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Mark at Beaufort

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Everything posted by Mark at Beaufort

  1. Mark - I was not aware of Vol 4. I found Vol 1 and 2 brilliant so I will be interested in your view of this new addition. I accept it remains sealed for 47 days ?
  2. John thanks for this thread and the link to the website - a very enjoyable video to watc h.
  3. Matt I recently visited the United States and was able to view Omega Centauri in a 17.5 Newt so the delights of the Southern Hemisphere must be fantastic in your new Dob.
  4. Matt that is really nice. I also like the brass refractor on the side table.
  5. That is a nice set up Alan. Its good to see the new tripod for this set up - I have the AZ5 + Pillar so this tripod is an ideal upgrade
  6. Very nice Neil. I will certainly be interested in your opinion of the Baader VIP barlow
  7. Alan that is a great addition to the AZ5 and the AZ GTi mount. The original tripod was too light so this is a welcome addition to the range. With this new tripod the weight allowance (on the standard AZ5 increases to 9 kgs) which makes it a great grab and go. I look forward to your review of the AZ GTi when you get it.
  8. Looks a very interesting telescope and at 399 Euros it seems a very good price for a 6" in comparison to a SCT or Mak Cass. When it arrives it would be good if there was a review comparing a 6" SCT, 6" Mak Cass and this scope. I await in anticipation unless someone obtains one and writes a positive review on SGL.
  9. I will be interested in the comparison between the two scopes - both look fantastic Derek. If its clear over the next few nights have a look at Mu Librae very close to Jupiter at the moment. It has a separation of 1.9" so a great test with the scopes side by side.
  10. Nicely put John. I am sure it will become a popular scope especially for white light and Richfield observing.
  11. I really pleased that this scope is performing well. I was worried when I read a negative report recently. Paul glad that the scope is able to be fitted onto your AZ5. I look forward to more observing report when we get astro darkness back.
  12. John that looks an incredible scope for the money. I really look forward to your review which I know from the past will go into good detail. How easy was it to change the finder bracket?
  13. I viewed the Venus transit in the USA in 2012 through one of these scopes - https://www.365astronomy.com/Lunt-LS152THa-B1800-152mm-H-Alpha-Telescope-Feather-Touch-Focuser-Pressure-Tuner.html The owner had Dentmeier binoviewers and TeleVue EPs (can't remember which one) - so if money is no object there you go. However, I really want to keep the thread on line and I don't believe Mark-V is thinking about this sort of expenditure.
  14. I bought a PST in 2005 initially to view an Annular eclipse followed by a Total eclipse a year later. I was very happy with my PST which I felt covered my needs. About 15 months ago I borrowed a Double Stack, at a star party, which screwed into the front of the PST. The difference it made was amazing IMHO. Several months later a S/H DS came up on the SGL classifieds (£400) - I bought it and over the last year I have had some very enjoyable views of the solar surface. I do compare the standard PST with the DS in place from time to time and it confirms that I am glad that I bought the DS. I agree that it does dim the view but I put a cover over my head which works brilliantly.
  15. Thanks Peter I was reading the Sun when I was typing this!!
  16. Yes I agree with Peter. I have been involved with astronomy for well over 50 years and have seen some wonderful events and met some great fellow astronomers that will remain friends for the rest of my life. It has been rather annoying weather recently and I have only really used my PST and the small Heritage 130P. Next week I fly out to California for nearly a month and I am taking my 12x70 Binoculars in the hope of seeing some delights of lower Scorpius and Sagittarius plus hopefully catch a view of Omega Centauri. If the skies are kind I will be a happy observing astronomer again.
  17. Garry that is really a great Ha scope - I can understand your excitement when you have its first light. I will never forget viewing the Venus Transit in 2012 with a Lunt 6" Ha scope using binoviewers and TeleVue EPs. I really enjoy using my little PST +DS so in your 80mm Lunt it will be mindblowing.
  18. Early evening there is an occultation of Aldebaran - it starts to disappear on the Moon's shadow side from 4.30pm and reappears about 5.30pm onwards. Get out your location.
  19. Jules I bought the AZ5 and Pillar as a quick grab and go for my Skywatcher Heritage 130p and PST. It works very well as long as the scope is well balanced to use the slow motion gears. I original used the extended slow motion cables but I reverted back to the smaller wheels.. The scope now sits on a Celestron Astromaster tripod.
  20. I had an excellent viewing night with the 12". Dob. Unfortunately despite a lengthly session using a Fujiyama 25mm Ortho and 2 separate H.Beta filters I could not detect the HH. The Flame Neb was quite clear so I was disappointed that the HH was no show.
  21. Agnes the AZ5 can be adjusted into two positions. The upright position makes it more stable and is recommended for heavier scopes. Well I placed the Orion VX8 in the higher position but I could not get the full range of travel. I only really bought the AZ5 as a quick grab and go for my Heritage 130P and PST Ha scope. I also undertake outreach work for my Astro Society and it is easier to carry the smaller mount in the boot of the car. I only put the Orion VX8 on the AZ5 as an experiment it is unlikely to happen again whilst I still have the SkyTee 2/Berlebach arrangement.
  22. Sorry Agnes I should have been more precise. The VX8 was usable on the mount and damping time was maybe 2 seconds. I suppose the pillar and the AZ5 was flexing on top of the metal legs because of the length of the scope (900mm FL). I have a SkyTee 2 mount on a Berlebach Uni18 tripod so I am more used to a very stable set up for this particular scope. As previously stated the Heritage works very well - see photo. I previously had a Skywatcher 150PDS and I would guess that it would work OK on an AZ5 if the tripod was of a certain size and quality.
  23. Agnes I have the AZ5 which I have put on a Pillar + metal tripod legs from a Celestron Astromaster. The system is brilliant with my Skywatcher Heritage 130P. I also tried my Orion VX8 on the same set up (VX8 weights 7 kgs) and although it mounted OK it wobbled a bit.
  24. John I am so pleased for you after so many years of searching. I really enjoyed the read and I could feel your excitement. It just shows that with the right condition a 12" Dob can be a brilliant instrument.
  25. I have owned a PST for over 12 years and its an excellent scope. However, LS50 is better especially the extra aperture and BF600. I have added a double stack to my PST which has really improved the surface detail - but that is extra money. Alan's suggestion is spot on.
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