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Everything posted by Chris

  1. My glass tile tool has lasted very well FYI
  2. Interesting, I've not seen a broken glass for tool before. I just copied most people with the tile tool. Did you consider using a tile tool?
  3. I'm sorry for all that were going, and all that put work in to make this event happen.
  4. You're probably super tired now (or asleep), but what a haul of images! I've seen enough of the RASA to know if I was a pure DSO imager, this is what I'd get.
  5. That really is a super Apo. Look how tight the stars are! Well done on a great set of images
  6. So true, I could have bought an 8" Dob with the money I've spent just getting past fine grinding an 8" mirror. It really is about the satisfaction rather than economics. I think things swing the other way once you get to 14" mirrors. Yes, defo always store fine grits above course grits and not the other way round.
  7. I third this method! I preferred to use coins after measuring them with a micrometre or Vernier, but you do get more size choices with drill bits
  8. Edge of a table will do, just keep on turning your position plus the mirrors and tools position. The more random the better as it will average out over time. This is my rig if you want ideas.
  9. Nice progress I look forward to following along Nigel and Barkis are an amazing source of knowledge and enthusiasm for people taking on this challenge so you're in the right place Take care of that chamfered edge and all will be well. I really should finish my mirror! it's been on hold at the polishing stage for ages now.
  10. Hi Alan, if I had a bit more spare cash I'd probably opt for a 4" f7 ED refractor, but a 6" Newt is just cheaper, and also does a bit of everything. Moreover, the Meade EQ motor driven pedestal mount I picked up for just 60 quid has the rings and pier height setup for a 6" f/8 Newt.I think the universe is trying to tell me something. I prefer EQ mounts because I do planetary/ lunar imaging, and a spot of deep sky imaging as well as observing. The Big 12" Dob only cost 180 quid which is why I couldn't resist, but it was a silly choice for a 10 stone wet through middle aged guy with a slightly dodgy back I'll put the Dob up for sale and swaps and see what happens, it might not be a 6" Newt, we'll see what happens, but it will be lighter lol
  11. You can if that's all you can afford, Gina I only have one scope, a 12" vintage Dob which was a cheap curiosity buy. It's too big so I need to swap it for a 6" Newt or similar. I'm sticking to my guns here lol. I can't afford two scopes like I used to with a house renovation and a term time contract (latest expense £1760 for a new front door!) I'm sure I'm not alone. 'If' you could only choose one Gina which would it be open to donations (Only joking )
  12. Excellent Alan! I guess a separate thread would be more proper, but I honestly don't mind if you want to continue it here. whichever
  13. Hi Alan, oops I didn't find your reply until now also! Sorry you've been ill, I hope you're feeling better now? I remember writing down the pros and cons for all the usual suspects for this video, and both the ED120 and the C8 only just didn't make the cut due to transportation, mounting, and cooldown. All important factors with our fickle changeable weather, and limited time with our busy lives. If it wasn't for these factors, I think we all would pick much larger scopes for an only scope, but probably only get round to using them a couple of times a year Case and point, I drove to Chelmsford to pick up an old heavy duty Meade EQ mount a couple of months ago, and they guy also had his clubs old 12" solid tube Dob sitting there and mentioned he was selling it for his club as it was too large for them to manage. After only a minutes thought I decided to buy it along with the mount with ideas of adapting the mount to take the large Dob OTA. Guess what, it's really big and I'm struggling with it so I've only used it twice so far from almost inside my garage as I can't move it more than a few feet. I think I'm going to see if anyone want's to swap it for something, or I'll sell it. I don't want to go all winter season with a scope I can't move very easily. It does look very vintage and cool though, it's an old Beacon Hill scope
  14. If the aperture is small and the focal length is long as is with the scope you mentioned you can get away with a spherical mirror. As the aperture gets larger and the focal length becomes shorter it becomes important to figure the mirror into a parabola in order to bring all light to a single focus. E.g. if you had a 6" f/5 scope I think a parabolic mirror would noticeably out perform a spherical one. Or at least this is my educated guess
  15. Wow! I somehow missed this post 5 years back. Very pleased it was resurrected, what an incredible mosaic by an amateur or a professional, well a human really! Wishing you good weather Kirkster. I'm sure it will be something special, and I hope I catch the thread when you post your results.
  16. Darnit! I probably should have mentioned this in the review lol
  17. Hi Rob, just checked whilst packing away and it is indeed the standard 3/8".
  18. These look like they'd compete directly with the WO ED doublet range scopes. I personally like the livery. Some might not think that matters, but if you're paying good money why not have a scope you like the look off as well as the specification off. We pick colours and styles for everything else in life from clothes to cars. More recently for us, a new front door. It took is ages to pick a new door colour and style lol
  19. Thanks Robert, for both the review and the beard compliment Yeah considering how good the mirror is 175 for everything that's included is really remarkable. I've spent more than that by far grinding an 8" mirror, and I'm only half way finished. That's also excluding labour which has been a lot of hours so far! Remarkable how SW make their scopes so affordable. The tripod that's included is probably not far off an Horizon tripod, and a 1.75" steel tripod would be overkill I feel. I really think it needs is something like a 1.25" steel tripod. Steel will dampen the vibrations much better than Ali. It's a shame they don't supply wooden tripod any more, that would dampen really well and look amazing, but I guess it's not economical. I'll have to double check the tripod fitting.
  20. I just want to know how the council guys face looked when you told him the Heroin golfer story, Tim.
  21. Yeah, he probably should have mentioned it to the neighbours with it being 12' tall total, but I'm not really buying the sunglasses story, I just think he got the neighbours back up enough for them to find an excuse! I do feel for him though, the council don't appear to be listening to what I would say are reasonable corrective measures which would solve the 'sunglasses issue' "In all the circumstances, it is considered that the council should accept the applicant's proposals to: 1) paint the dome matt grey, 2) plant a vegetative screen along the south western boundary adjacent number eight 3m high.' However, civic chiefs turned it down after council planners branded the building 'incongruous' and 'un-neighbourly.'"
  22. Amazement and terror all in one post!
  23. Hi all. I'm pleased to say I've been making the most of the clear nights! So here's my review of the Skywatcher Starquest 130p kindly loaned to me by FLO. I've tried a very different 'cinematic narrated' style with this review, Hopefully it's enjoyable. @FLO I'll be in touch early next week about returning the scope. I've used it so much I've ran down the RDF battery! lol I just need to get a new one over the weekend. Thank you FLO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHdDs2PLIrk
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