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Everything posted by Chris

  1. For visual to run along side you HEQ5 in the obs I think the EQ5 pro would work fine. I think this is one of the cheapest options that could carry the C8.
  2. Hiya, I have an edge sharpness demo video for the Nift fifty if you want to take a look
  3. I particularly like the one with the binos as foreground interest
  4. The video will need starting from the beginning for some reason?
  5. There was a gap in both the hedge row, and the cloud, so managed to grab some quick camcorder footage of the 2019 Lunar eclipse
  6. Hi Ags, I think the lack of CA alone makes it a better choice than the ST80. Not that I have the image any more but I took some shots of M42 with the 100p and there was zero star bloat. I nickname the 100p f/4 the mini Skywatcher Quattro
  7. Thanks Jeremy, we have a moving date for the 29th of July so it's all go at the moment. Although I say that with caution as we are just about to exchange any day now. As you know, nothings set in stone until contracts are exchanged.
  8. Thanks, yes the new house will have everything we need once renovated, including a garden large and open enough for another obsy
  9. Keep it light and keep it simple Gina. I hope things go ok with the tests and meds.
  10. SGL lost a bright star when Per's passed, but don't pressure yourself Gina, I'm sure he understood your typical mammoth project list
  11. Hi Ags, these CMOS type cameras work well with the 100p, check out my Tak60 vs 100P comparison using a ASI120mc
  12. I was about to say it sure does reach focus
  13. I have fond memories of building and using this Obsy at my previous house. I don't have the garden for an Obsy where I am, but we're moving again soon so I'm planning on building another. Here's hoping anyway I'll never forget finding live WW2 ammo when I was prepping the ground!
  14. As said, too fast short a flash to be an SN event. I remember the SN in m82 a few years back and it was bright for many days even maybe a week or so.
  15. Yes, the EQ5 pro will have goto, Higher payload, less vibration, and more accurate motors for tracking. A second hand HEQ5 or AVX would have a higher payload and more accurate motors again, it just depends if you want new or second hand? Both have their benefits.
  16. Hello all, After years using handsets to align and control telescopes, I recently had some experience using one of the newer generation wifi controlled telescopes which enable you to do the same job using your phone or tablet! Now this all sounds very exciting and forward thinking on the face of it, but I personally developed some strong opinions about these wifi scopes after trying to use one on a couple of occasions. Now the thing is, many of these wifi scopes are clearly marketed towards newcomers to Astronomy, and this begs the question - are they really a viable alternative to the good old hand controller? My concern is that these new general of wifi scopes are going to frustrate and disappoint newcomers, just like department toy telescopes have done before them, only in a different way.
  17. Geoff, I know it's not nice for you, but I'm so pleased to hear this! I agree entirely. I don't think I've been wound up by a scope alignment as much as with this scope.....ever! Yes! mine kept on slewing like crazy, but I didn't notice the Wifi dropping out? I just thought it was the buttons on the tablet sticking? I think it was just the buttons because once it finally stopped going berserk it would sometimes respond without having to re connect. Again yes! when looking through the EP's (which are very nice Kelner's) I keot on pressing the wrong part of the screen, because as you say, there is no feel. Give me a good old hand set any day
  18. It's a good thought but I'm fairly confident that it's Android in general. initially tried my Motorolla G6 phone which simply wouldn't work with the scope. Then I tried our decent Samsung tablet, which has a good screen (plus it's summer so shouldn't be effected by the cold), this worked but un reliably/un responsively as mentioned. I also looked at using the kids Amazon Fire but you can't get the app for this device it seems Speaking with other owners on YT, the verdict was that it's more to do with Android devices in general. One owner had both IOS and Android and said that IOS worked much better with his Astro Fi. I found out today that Apple used to sell this scopes predecessor through their store, and likely collaborated with Celestron in order to get it working well.
  19. Really tricky to compare 10x50's to 20x80's. Have you considered just getting better quality 15x70's? From my experience quality makes more of a difference when it comes to binos. Scrap that, just saw the £100 budget. In that case I would go for a smaller quality Bino to accompany the BA1 class 15x70 (63's).
  20. The optics are pretty good at least. Skip to about 7:40 ish for AVI of Jup with the Astro Fi 90. ;
  21. After a couple of nights under the stars with the Celestron Astro Fi, I've formed quite strong opinion about it. Unfortunately they're not the most positive opinions. Further to the video below I've since learnt the scope works better with IOS. My Android devices either didn't work at all or worked very un responsively, sometimes slewing out of control heading for tripod collisions! The paper instructions tell you to follow the onscreen instructions for the SkyPortal App, only the default goto routine on screen is SkyAlign which I've never had any luck with in the past. You can go into the setting and change this, but a beginner wouldn't nessasarily now this? Despite the nice optics and good battery life I can't recommend this telescope for a beginner due to being very frustrating. I think it would soon put them off the hobby which would be a shame. I really do appreciate FLO loaning me this telescope for review, thanks FLO! I think it's really valuable to find these things out and pass on the knowledge to those new to the hobby. I'll never take hand controllers for granted again, that's for sure!
  22. Good spot, I think he was thinking of Loki, not Floki (below). Easy mix up.
  23. Wow! Massive news! I'm sure it will be a great move for both FLO and Ian! Congratulations The FLO empire continues to expand
  24. They are probably quite similar other than to say If you want the flexibility of switching between AZ and EQ then the Avant would be better. I'm guessing both ranges would perform equally in many ways as an entry level or grab n go scope, and a lot will come down to what the buyer prefers aesthetically. I know what you're saying though, you can pick out a lot of telescope foibles when you have them in front of you to play with, but I do need to be careful of reviewing too similar products I guess is what I'm trying to say. But yes, I would like to review one at some point. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here lol to summarise
  25. The white with green accents livery looks great, and I dare say that mount and tripod must be the lightest from SW yet? I especially like the look of the 130p variant. I would be interested in this one especially if it had the motor drive. These could be very nice grab n go's indeed,
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