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Everything posted by faulksy

  1. my new case with only a few select eps. i wonder how many times i have done this. last one now
  2. thats what i started my journey through, the 114 luminova, and by brother in law still has it, gold tube version. must get it back
  3. heres my latest case upgrade, sick of cutting these eyepieces out. slimmed down a lot now but covers most bases
  4. 21mm ethos incoming

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. faulksy


      so i belive gerry, cant wait to try them both

    3. jetstream


      Delos anyone? a good used Delos-anyone? going once, twice....7 times, anyone? :)

    4. faulksy
  5. if you have it somewere near why not get it finished/figured by john nichol it will still save you ££££££. just a thought
  6. 1 day till dobfest 3

  7. very nice scope fella, shame about all the hicups though. not many scopes are right out of the box though. thanks for sharing
  8. 7 sleeps left till dobfest 3

    1. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      six mate if your hardcore and going early :)

    2. ronin


      Is Dobfest the reason then for the forecast of unending rain ?? :-))

  9. 1 more sleep till dobfest 2

    1. Pig


      LoL Are you getting excited by any chance :-)

  10. 5 days left till dobfest 2

    1. swamp thing

      swamp thing

      This going to be a goody me thinks

    2. Daniel-K


      yeah will be great just hope i get there before dark following the welsh milk man lol

  11. nice collection there floater, whats next on your list
  12. me and dan are out to our dark spot in the hills of snowdonia tonight

  13. how come there not level swop you my 5mm bgo for your ethos
  14. wondered if anyone would notice, buy the way that pic is in my garage. the alan key is for my feathertouch focuser and cateye colimation kit. quite paranoid about loosing it
  15. i will organise them for you stu, just send them to me, i used a micrometer to get them equal
  16. off to my local dark site tonight, into the mountains

    1. estwing


      please be careful lover...

    2. Pig


      That reminds me, Grim is on TV tonight :-)

    3. faulksy


      back now sex on legs

  17. dob extension done

  18. theres no pleasing some people grant, well done and thank you is what i say
  19. what a brilliant idea, i would of preferred the discount though
  20. sips risers are nearly here, should have them in the morning

    1. Mike73


      I'm going to be 3 miles off the Cornish coast when my FT + sips get delivered!! Don't think I'm ever going to get my hands on it!! :(

    2. faulksy


      you will mike, wont be long mate, hope to get mine set up tonight. you watch it will rain now

  21. nice one mike, very simple set up which is great
  22. good point alan, that will be cool, wont be long now
  23. nice one mike glad your loving the nexus, love the pics mate
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