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Everything posted by Neil_104

  1. and you got both tails nicely - wrong kit maybe but nothing wrong with this pic!
  2. Wow - we see numerous pics of this area of sky (in fact, I'm working on one myself 😀) but you've really captured a great depth of field in this image!
  3. I think so - and there in lies the issue! If anything I think I can see Mr Krabs more than a spider? 😂
  4. Great image and nice colours, I think the blues from the SHO palette are my favourite. I see the tadpoles (obvious), I see the fly (amusing), but I must admit I've never seen the spider in this one!
  5. Fascinating image! It's nice to see something different and unfamiliar (not that the more familiar objects are any less enjoyable of course :)
  6. Nice images! I really like this effect with comets, seeing the star trails, gives a good impression of speed and amount of movement across the sky as you say. Plus it's nice for once not to worry about star shapes 😄
  7. Nice 🙂 Looking forward to seeing it, but probably nowhere near as much as you are to looking through it!
  8. Fantastic image! I was just observing M45 earlier this evening with my 60mm refractor and this fills in the blanks for me for what I couldn't see 🙂
  9. Really nice image Malcom. I always like looking at that planetary embedded in M46, it's such a fascinating and unusual sight. Kind of like a planetary conjunction but on a slightly, ahem, larger scale!
  10. Agreed also. Wasn't suggesting they were.
  11. Second that - definitely not a good evening for high mags with this wind (in the UK). I have the Neodymium myself and I find it useful but as Jeremy suggests, it's not transformative. It helps the GRS to stand out, which is handy given it's shrinking size currently. The filter does give quite a blue cast overall to the image, which isn't too overpowering but can be a little off-putting if you like the warm, brownish-yellow tint of the planet. It does make the image v cold looking. Stick with it though - it's a handy filter to bring out specific features, e.g. to aid with sketching 👍
  12. I'd never noticed that S between the belt stars before either. Guess what I'll be looking out for the next time it's clear out (and not blowing a hurricane). It's one of those things that once pointed out, you can't un-see - thankfully in this case!
  13. Very nice, sharp image. I like the muted/dark colours, give it a moody look as this object can quite often be made to look very colourful indeed.
  14. Very nice image and nice to see an image of your setup as well 👍 I feel your pain RE the neighbours light
  15. Agreed. The quality of the background star field frames the galaxy much nicer in the original IMO. My own approach is to do as little processing as needed to achieve an image I can look at and appreciate into the future. And to certainly stop before it starts looking like one too many Photoshop filters has been used. Otherwise why not just paint in what you want to see and leave out the hours of work actually imaging the thing in the first place! Less is more. Except when it comes to aperture of course 😄
  16. That is a fantastic image for such a faint galaxy. Really encouraging that you achieved it with 30 second subs - I'm going to try re-imaging M104 this spring using 30 sec subs with my C6 at f/10 so as to minimise tracking issues. My previous effort was 60 second subs but the long focal length ended up blurring the fine details in the dust lane. I just need to settle in for the long-haul and get many hours of data as you have done here 🙂
  17. Very impressive, thanks for posting! You know, the thing I love about astronomy is that even after 30 years in this hobby, I am still discovering new things. The Angelfish nebula is a new one on me....!!
  18. Very nice image 👍 I was observing Mars that evening and saw what appeared to be bright haze/clouds to the north - nice to see it confirmed in your image. Seeing that night was terrible for me!
  19. I'm going. I've started a shopping list already! It'd be wrong not to take advantage of the cheaper prices and it justifies spending lots of money, right? Right?
  20. I have just compared your images to a sketch I made of Mars on 29 Dec and I can confirm that your C14 & camera has accurately depicted the surface of Mars that evening. 😆 Joking aside, very nice image!! I'm glad I was able to capture the main features in my C6 at 214x and it's great to see a more detailed image of what I was able to sketch that night. It seemed a pretty decent night for seeing (something I wasn't expecting given the wind and impending cloud). It's not often I'm able to push the magnification that much.
  21. Thanks for the tip on the Maxbrights - I may have to look into them also then 🙂 At first glance the actual body looks suspiciously like the WOs, though I can see from the write up that they have a larger clear aperture so likely aren't just a rebranding with a different eyepiece holders on them. I've heard nothing but good reports about the Click Lock system as well so it's a bonus that they incorporate this. Was that the doorbell? 😁
  22. Yeah nice report, really enjoyed reading that 🙂 I was also out observing roughly the same patch of sky, with the same eyepiece! M37, M36, M38, M1, M42, rounded off with a Mars sketch. Good shout about the 37 cluster, I have added that to my list for next time! Which specific H Beta filter do you use? I'm impressed to hear you saw the HH with an 8 inch, I was always under the impression it needed something bigger even with the H Beta filter. Would love to see that myself one day (or night even 😁)
  23. That's a superb image! It's got superb depth to it. Really nice star colours as well - what length were your subs?
  24. Nice images - I'm glad someone managed to secure some observing/imaging time today 👍 It cleared here very briefly earlier and I became hopeful (ever hopeful)....but then clouded over again 😆 Merry Christmas One and All !🎄
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