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Everything posted by Neil_104

  1. Clear skies atm so finally got a chance to try the scope out. Have been looking at Saturn and was immediately impressed by the sharpness - I've been spending too long in the world of SCTs 🤩 Even though the planet is tiny at 36x through my Baader 10mm ortho, I spent a good amount of time gazing at it. I kinda like that "just a bit better than 10x50 binoculars" view - just on the edge of seeing detail. Through my 6mm TMB Planetary (60x) I can just make out the ring passing in front of the disc during moments of good seeing (which isn't often given the altitude). Going wait now til Jupiter clears the neighbour's house, but yeah, enjoying the scope so far. And when setting up I realised I finally have the correct mount to telescope size ratio for when I image with it 😂
  2. So a couple of observations I have so far of the Titchy Sixty from looking at it (but not through it yet unfortunately). Firstly, the felt used for the inside of the dust cap is truly terrible. It leaves small fibres all over the lens! I noticed the fibres when I first took the cap off, thought "oh dear" and proceeded to very carefully remove them. Put the cap back on, then took it off some time later (had to see the lens again)....and all the fibres were back! It was at this point I released they were coming from the felt on the inside that gives a good fit to the dew shield. I've since removed the felt and replaced it with some sticky-backed pads. Problem solved. Really not sure what they were thinking with this. Anyone else had this issue? Secondly, I can't get over how heavy this thing is. I mean, it's not really heavy at all of course and is probably just a case of it being small, sorry, titchy. Kind of like an optical illusion (but not at all) as in you're not expecting something so small to have much weight to it. Ever had that experience where you take delivery of something heavy in a big box, and by the time you've un-packed it down to the smallest box inside it seems much heavier? Kinda like that.
  3. Nice setup - fully intending on using my WO bino viewers with it to put the "relax" in some relaxing wide-field views
  4. Glad to join it, 101 later 😀 If you can suggest what low magnification eyepieces work well for it in your experience, I'd be grateful - looking forward to some relaxed, wide field observing with this thing.
  5. Hello All New to the forum but by no means new to astronomy (been playing with telescopes for almost 30 years now off an on, and still learning every day). So today I took delivery of an Altair Astro 60EDF. I was looking for something to get wide-field images with my ASI533 and settled on this scope. FPL53 glass and 360mm focal length, so ticks the right boxes for me and will allow me to image the larger targets on my list. I couldn't find too much info on this scope when I was weighing up the competition, so thought I'd post this to help others who may also be considering this scope. I'll update this thread as and when the usage and pictures start rolling in, though predictably....you guessed it. So a few pics for starters (oh, and excuse the lion - it's there to give a sense of scale to some family members - this thing's tiny! And maybe he'll be called Leo? 😁)
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