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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. Yes that’s the method I use for all my observing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. I had a 150 F/8 helios refractor on a Vixen GPDX and it was only just ok - an EQ5 would not be very stable whilst focusing at high power. I also found CA was too much for me and none of the CA filters helped much. A 7” Mak - which is a folded frac πŸ€ͺ would be a better option perhaps ?
  3. @Fozzie An ED120 but in a WHITE, better, Long Perng tube ...... https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p4688_TS-Optics-Optics-120-mm-f-7-5-FPL53-Apo-Refractor-with-3--Focuser.html
  4. Whilst there are many filters for CA I found all of them disappointing and none of them could make the views as good as a reflector. For me the choice between the two scopes is easy but it’s what suits you best at the end of the day. Good luck
  5. Good luck πŸ‘ Just curious - but can you see CA visually ?
  6. As the scope is new it may be time to return it ?
  7. I would suggest you spend the money on the optics rather than GOTO as you will get better views. This is a very good scope that will show a lot of detail on the planets and give good deep sky views too....... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/dobsonians/skywatcher-skyliner-250px-dobsonian.html There is also a smaller 8” version available too. Both can be attached to GOTO mounts at a later date if you want to.
  8. I have compared a 102mm F/8 Triplet Apo, a Celestron C6 and the 6” CC. Pros of the CC are :- 1. It is easier to use on my Vixen GP than the refractor due to it’s shorter length. 2. It cools down very quickly 3. Star shapes are excellent, very tight with a nice diffraction ring. 4. Contrast is unusually good for an obstructed telescope and certainly a match for the refractor. 5. ** It does not dew up ** πŸ‘ 6. Resolution is very slightly better in the CC over the refractor. 7. The scope is very well made and is fully collimatable. Cons :- 1. It is relatively heavy - around 6.2kgs in normal use. 2. The focuser is poor - originally it was not square to the secondary and needed adjusting and it tilts slightly with different weight eyepieces - whilst I have not done it yet I think it will be replaced. 3. Collimation needs to be VERY precise for best results. I observed Venus with it earlier this year and was surprised at how sharp the image was, I could see shading across the planet surface which was a first for me. Lunar views are excellent, good resolution and contrast - certainly as good as the much more expensive refractor. I have yet to try it on the major planets but I am expecting it to be very good..... Overall I think the 6” CC is a great scope and is excellent value for money but the focuser needs upgrading. If it performs as well as I think it will on the major planets I will buy the 8” version.
  9. The big advantages of the CC over the SCT is that it has no front corrector so the scope will reach ambient temperature much faster which is vital for best planetary performance AND it will not dew up like an SCT does. Also the optics are made from quartz which improves thermal stabilty.
  10. @BS269 You might want to consider the TS 8” Classical Cassegrain..... https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p10753_TS-Optics-8--f-12-Cassegrain-telescope-203-2436-mm-OTA.html
  11. Precisely - the current scope he has may well be the best option ?
  12. Oh - you want us to spend your money 😁 Well, you have a very capable 150mm Newt so what are your expectations from buying a refractor ? To get brighter views with more resolution you will need a large refractor - perhaps as a minimum the Skywatcher ED120 ? BUT it will need a suitable mount so the price rapidly climbs. A much cheaper option to improve on your 150mm Newt would be a 10” Dob.
  13. Have you been drinking again ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  14. @Stu Please stop hitting your scopes or I will report you to the RSPCT πŸ˜‚
  15. Excellent images, particularly considering your latitude πŸ‘
  16. Hello @dara_t and welcome to SGL. The CT152 F/5.9 will be great for low power views but will show a lot of chromatic aberration at high power when looking at the planets for example. The 150mm reflector on the other hand will show no CA at all. Personally I dislike CA but others don’t mind it. It all depends on what you want to use it for that will dictate your choice.
  17. Looking forward to see how it works out under the stars.......
  18. Great report @HollyHound I have a similar weight refractor so things are looking good πŸ˜€ Where did you get the the M10 to 3/8” adaptor from please ?
  19. I had the same tripod and could not keep the feet on - the glue failed on all 3 !!! So hopefully Louise a bit of hot water followed by cold water will break the glue πŸ™‚
  20. Looking forward to the reviews .......
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