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ANOTHER NIGHT OF 1st Well what a great night i have which started around 18:30, -1.5c and no wind clear skies .MO1 (the scope) had been out side for a good hour and was ready to go .my first thing of the night was Andromedae galaxy which until tonight i have never seen the telrad came into its own again and saved me this was better than expected because a was not expecting to see much had the 20mm ep and ding th




Hi one and all ,let me first start by thanking "astro baby" for her great guide on collimation which i did and the scope was of by miles and is now tip top and tonights viewing was all the better for it ,so a big thanks to her . now Saturn who wee baby my eyes nearly popped out my head the ear to ear smile was hurting my face i had the 32mm eye piece in and soon changed to the 12mm, which gave me a great view all the moons were there it was magical my hands touched the scope and it fe



Choosing my first scope

I've had a romantic interest in stargazing for as long as I can remember and have been familiar with the main constellations and naked eye objects for many years. As a teenager I was given a captain's telescope by my grandfather and had used it to view the moon to great effect but it had no mount (or mounting points) so viewing was limited. As a result it would only come out of the cupboard every now and then and generally only when I'd had a few too many and was feeling sentimental ;-) I've



First scope, first log book

Thought I'd start using my blog as an online log book. Have found the posts on this site very useful over the past 6 months while researching what to buy as my first scope so thought it an appropriate place for my log. Hopefully this blog might be useful reading for other newbies or pre-newbies and perhaps others may lend me the extent of their experience while I stumble through the night sky. So, let there be light...



Upgrade complete

Ok hopefully time to banish the White dots, picked up a lx 200 10" emc loads of extras including illuminated reticle, auto focuser goto controls, tele vue lenses, Orion baffled Barlow, filters etc all for an extremely low price. And not of course it's cloudy lol hopefully me and the boy may see some clear sky soon as waiting impatiently

Patrick Gilliland

Patrick Gilliland

Tal 2M Clutch

RE TAL 2M Clutches. Hi guys, does anyone know if the clutches on a Tal 2M are supposed to be greased? Mine are, and adjustment is fairly tight ,but unless scope is perfectly balanced moves out of alignment too easily. Any help appreciated.



Been out this 6 am with heritage 130p

Well, i bought the heritage 130p flexi tube, and been out this morning, i had set my sights on venus and saturn, venus was easy, it was blinding, could not focus in on it properly, it was flaring really bad! i was thinking the scope was out of collimate? tried my 17x70 bins there were the same, any way took me a while to find saturn in the south west in virgo, i had the 20mm lens in just a orange blob! so i put the 10mm in and a little focus and....saturn i was well pleased!! quite bright and

mr saddo

mr saddo

Spectra of Wolf-Rayet Stars

Hi all, Time for another blog. If anyone is interested in my blogs please comment or I may think I am speaking to myself.:eek::eek: Anyway Wolf-Rayet stars - what are they what do their spectra look like and moreover why are they interesting? Wolf-Rayet stars are extemely hot stars (surface temperatures 25000 to 50000 celsius compared to the suns cool 6000 celsius) which have evolved from hot O stars - O stars are the ones that look blue when you look through the telescope. Firs



Constellations report sheets

hi everyone just thought a would add these so you can save and print out after weeks of try in find some on sgl to no avail i got these feel free to save and print i am keen on drawing what a see as wll as take in pictures ,but i love to keep a record this way clear skies always pat



Tales From The Dark Site

Beginnings Just thought as I had been here a while I would make use of the blog option. Please be kind as this is my first attempt at any kind of blogging so if it's boring/repetitive/silly/a bit mad, try to forgive. I have already mentioned some of the stuff I intend to write here in one or two of my posts but I thought it better to "blog it" rather than fill up the forums. Well where did it start? My dad was always interested in science and fostered in me and my 2 brothers (I am the youngest)

Jimmy Stix

Jimmy Stix

canon dslr scope attatchment

hi all! was just wondering if someone would be able to give me some advice as to where i can get a canon dslr scope attatchment. or maybe explain how they have connected their camera to their scope. any help would be appreciated. thankyou



Another newbie from south coast!!!

Hi all, just wanted to say hello from worthing on a lovely clear night! been browsing the wonderful sky tonight and am amazed. got a telescope for my birthday and have been waiting for clear skies to check it out. it is so addictive. saw jupiter and some of its moons the other week which was awsome! does anyone know of any good viewing spots around west sussex area, or can anyone recommend a club to join? many thanks:D



Finally got out with my new telescope.

Posts: 4 Re: A Clear Spell! « Reply #1 on: Today at 10:03:23 PM » Quote Modify Remove :D At last a couple of hours of clear sky. Got the SW startravel set up and aligned on the second atempt. Got Dads meade EXY 70 AT aligned as well, which he could not do. The manual said nearest large city will do but I put in the long and lat of my back garden according to iphone. Had a good general look around, missed Jupiter because of the 4 meter leylandii hedge and me faffing around. I tried ou




January 22nd, 2011 It had been 14 nights since I had been outside with my telescope. A nasty cold paired with many nights under cloud cover were the culprits. When I saw that a high pressure system was moving in that morning, I knew that the skies would be clear and immediately knew what my evening activity would be. I would be out there! The thermostat told a different story. It was -35 ºC or -31 ºF. With the windchill, the weather report online warned a cold factor of -42 (the



Jupiter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

At 7.30pm tonight i just saw Jupiter for the first time.......................... :) I've seen another world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've seen a wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



moon phasses

hi thought a would post this up as a point of interest as the moon is really bright when full, and cause me all sorts of probs some times will post monthly if you wish to come back and check or copy and paste ect thanks pat http://stargazerslounge.com/members/todd8137-albums-moon-picture8584-moon-phasesfor-month-jan-will-post-febs-feb.html



Message received

Hello Wallwalker, dont know your name sorry. Thanks for your message but it took me ages to find out how to reply, even now i dont know if this is right. Thinking im gonna love this site i know theres lots of things about sky watching i need to ask, but first things first find my way round the site then questions after. Maureen



First light with Celestron Nexstar SE8

I have had an interest in astronomy all through my life but only bought my first telescope in 2001. I started out with a Celestron 114mm reflector and enjoyed it greatly. One of my biggest frustration was the difficulty of finding interesting objects in the night sky, when light pollution made it difficult to star hop (I could barely see anything below mag 2 with the naked eye from my viewing site). A brief foray with a Meade ETX 70 gave me an interest in goto scopes, and I also moved up from my



mini star get together

hi every one had a great night tonight just finished cleaning the scope and eps had a friend of sgl john and is lad Connor at my place tonight they brought there scope and a set 12" dob up, we aligned johns finder scope up on is 4 inch newt,and had a quick tour .of the moon filters were the best help we had the moon was so bright and full ptlemaeus.alphonus and arzachel were the first things to show john and Connor .who a will call from now jc mare humoron was the next,mare fecunditatis



My new book!

Yep, my new book is out. It's called: The Visual Astronomer's Photographic Guide to the Deep Sky I know it's not catchy, but does do exactly what it says on the tin. The book shows you what you will actually see through the eyepiece. So there aren't any processed images or long exposures. It contains photos of the visual view of loads of DSOs. Most DSOs have two photos with different sized 'scopes so that you can compare the views with a scope of similar size to your own. Anyway, here's a link t



My first Moon Pic

This is my first ever attempt at taking a pic through my scope! I just held the camera to the eyepiece and snapped away about ten shots - this is the best one! It's going to be quite addictive! Simon



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