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ODK 16 Optimised Dall-Kirkham Telescope for sale

dear stargazerslounge, i am new at this please can any one give me help, before i get jump on and blocked i did try to sell my ODK on another web page but the people there sent me horrible private message and said i was a scam from mexico, but i am not i am from uk. http://s1083.photobucket.com/albums/j388/ODK16/?action=view&current=ODK16-1.mp4&newest=1#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs1083.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fj388%2FODK16%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3DODK16.jpg%26newest%3D1 Next »



EQ6 & EQDIR ordered so expect this in AOSX

Just a quick update this morning. Yesterday, as part of my imaging setup, I ordered a EQ6 SynScan and a EQDIR. This gives me the option of both running with the FTDI USB<->serial chip (used by the ATIK 16ic and the ATIK filterwheel) and writing a transport plugin that will be available to all vendor plugins to support the EQDIR chip (I'm assuming this will either be FTDI or another popular and easily supported chip). I'm concentrating on the restructured plugin manager at the moment which



This or that?

As I am off work today I have spent the day trying to decide what scope to go for - inbetween looking after my 1 year old twins that is. I keep reading other posts on the forum when people ask for info on what one to go for, I keep look at what others have in their signatures when I look at the photographs they have taken, I keep studying the makers websites, keep reading in the magazine etc etc but it still doesn't make any sense! Once I think yes that is the scope I will go for I start looking



Another weekend on AOSX..

I'm sure you thrilled to learn that AOSX is progressing with the redesign. Principally the work refactors (tech speak for rework/design) the communications and the class hierarchy for the plugin management/plugins so that each class is now considerably smaller and more focused on doing it's specific job. Yes this means a delay however it also means the code base is smaller and easier to maintain. From experience it always take three attempts to get something right.. the prototype/test that is th



Messier 1: Help needed

I've been trying to find M1 for a while now but i just cant find it. Im using my 8'' dob and im not using any sort of camera just my eyes. I'm battling light pollution in the middle of the city. Can any one help me?



Emotion Promotion

A post by Stolenfeather has prompted me to write about how emotional I can get about the things I am passionate about.

Jimmy Stix

Jimmy Stix

To Blog or Not to Blog, that is the Question. Whether tis ...

This might be a good way to record my viewing over time - by creating a record over time. It might also be a place to share bits about me, my life, my interests and my hobbies. If you read this, comment and let me know if you blog and if I might read it. I've never done this before.



Book Advise Help Needed Pls , can you help?

Hi I am after a book that will assist me in using my new telescope. (I have the telescope manual on the operation side), however the help is more the Sky side, and where to look and when etc. And how to get the best / set up out of my telescope. I am a newby to this, and would appreciate any advise/suggestions. I have searched the net and amazon and keep only finding either really old books or just books on telescopes.:hello2:




The sun newspaper has reported that were in for solar flare to disrupt earth, radio black outs and spectacular northern lights from higher latitudes, next few days. More so in northern USA.

mr saddo

mr saddo

Third lecture tonight

Tonight on my Observatory course it is our third lecture - "Covering the Night Sky" and I have been wishing away the hours. although the cloud here is awful and there will be no chance of getting any scopes out I just don't care as I will be learning and be around other people that have the same interest and excitment as I do for the subject. I bought "Turn Left at Orion" for a fiver off someone at work - her husbands and have been reading that a lot, also trying to get my head round stellariu



Improved Tracking

Well I finally managed to get back outside after what seems like a month of bad weather, poor sleep due to my youngest teething, car problems and colds & bugs. The drive system has been adapted with a new shaft coupler.. I'm very pleased with this... all much tighter better algned etc. Testing: So of course it was a full moon. very very thin cloud and all planets too low, too dim or just not visible.. so where to point.. ah yes M42. Well after a bit of aligning I stopped the stars drif



Improved Tracking

Well I finally managed to get back outside after what seems like a month of bad weather, poor sleep due to my youngest teething, car problems and colds & bugs. The drive system has been adapted with a new shaft coupler.. I'm very pleased with this... all much tighter better algned etc. Testing: So of course it was a full moon. very very thin cloud and all planets too low, too dim or just not visible.. so where to point.. ah yes M42. Well after a bit of aligning I stopped the stars drif



the double star chase

hi every one a love double stars and a hope you do to,so what have done is put a few maps to get started with to see how many of you out the can tick them of.i have put the picks on my photobucket account its easy to copy them press keys alt and prtscr at the same time open windows paint and copy from clip board,see how many ya can get and repost a a thumb nail in this blog a doubt many of you will but its worth a try just to test ya scope out and for some thing to do whilst out in the cold th



So very new

Well thought I'd type out my ramblings here to save on wasting peoples time on the forum reading my waffling posts - at least here you choose to click on my blog and read it so I cannot be blamed for boring anyone. I am very new to astronomy - something I have wanted to get into for a very very long time but put it off as I know what I am like and it would become all consuming and my marriage for a start might not have coped - until now - I have twin girls coming up to 2 years old and I think my




Can anybody tell if Niburu exists and if so how to see it?

Mark W

Mark W

I decided to give this a go

I've decided to use this blog finally as a weekly update on what I've been doing astronomically, I do have a feeling it will be mostly looking on ebay and reading through posts on here but hopefully there will be some observing thrown in. Jonathon.



Hi all, newbie needing advice

hi all, i am new to astronomy and need a little advice. My son wanted a telescope for xmas so i got him the skywatcher skyhawk 114 on an EQ1 mount. i set it up no problems, read some books to prepare myself to help him when it came to the time to use it. Well now i find i myself have been bitten by the bug, we both have had so much fun with it. we got a ccd web cam from ebay for £8 and have got some really good pictures of the moon, Saturn and Jupiter. i downloaded and learnt how to use r



Newbie wanting some advice

hi all, i am new to astronomy and need a little advice. My son wanted a telescope for xmas so i got him the skywatcher skyhawk 114 on an EQ1 mount. i set it up no problems, read some books to prepare myself to help him when it came to the time to use it. Well now i find i myself have been bitten by the bug, we both have had so much fun with it. we got a ccd web cam from ebay for £8 and have got some really good pictures of the moon, Saturn and Jupiter. i downloaded and learnt how to use registax



More Moon pics 14/2/2011

hi just three more pics a did the other night a used the a focal method ,and the trpiod which sounds easy but line in the thing up to the eye piece was crazy. ep was 32mm cam sony mavica and zoom was x3 ,in these pics they on photobucket here is the link if you want a look and all comments are welcome cheers pat clear skies always http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/moon2/ do not for get to clik then klik again on these pics to see full screen on photo bucket



The Hunt for Sirius B

I'd just like to point out that Stargazers Lounge is solely responsible for me deciding last week, after 5 years of ignoring 'Stars' and treating them like sign-posts to everything else, that wait a minute, there may be something interesting about them after all. The thread on Sirius B - soon launched me out the door onto the driveway to have a look for the impossibly tricky double that is Sirius and Sirius B. Here's what happened: I setup my 8" Astro-Tech AT8In on CG5 ASGT Mount on the drive



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