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September- Cumbrian Astronomy

September To many astronomers in the Northern Hemisphere, the arrival of The Pleiades and the constellation of Orion mark the oncoming of winter. Perhaps two of the most famous sights in the sky, these will start to become more accessible now as the weeks draw on. Ask someone of a non-astronomical nature to name a constellation and chances are it would be either Ursa Major (Plough/Dipper) or Orion. It is not by pure chance that this is so. Both constel



Snatching a couple of hours...(12/09/2010)

:hello2: Hi fellow Dobbers!!...seems ages since I had a session with my Dob, so, being as the forecast tonight was for clear skies from 10pm till 1am, I thought why not ****** a couple of hours in the back garden and try for a few DSO's. I set up at 9pm, got delayed and made it outside for 10.30pm...twenty minutes with the bins whilst my eyes got accustomed to the light pollution/darkness and lined up the Telrad. Didn't get to see ANY DSO's, 'cos I couldn't find any. I'm getting a little dispir



Great site for kids

LastComet has proven to be very user freindly for anyone looking for astronomy pictures, programs, animation (GIF) and videos. The advertisements were confined to the "books and movies" page which consisted of amazon, barnes & noble and the history channel. This site has a fun fresh look. If your building an astronomy website or writing a book report, you should make a point of visiting lastcomet.

last comet

last comet

September 8th 2010

On the plus side, the dew shield I made out of a camping mat worked a treat. The scope remained dew free and gave me some rather nice views of Jupiter. On the minus side, my finderscope and eyepieces dewed up and ruined it all in the end! Ho hum.

Mr George

Mr George

new to astrophotography

I bought a sony a350 and need help with the setting,i tired taking a picture of the milky way and it was just a black screen so of u can help me thanks!



Best places to go to stargaze :)

Hey everyone, where is the best places to go to get decent views of things :) me and my mate Kirsty (KMCE) usually frequent Eaglesham but were wanting a change of scene anyone know anywhere :)



Observation Report for 3rd September 2010.

Observation Report for 3rd September 2010. Location Birkrigg Common. I decided to attend the local FAS meeting, Furness Astronomical Society at 19:30, as this was the first meeting for the start of the year (Sept – May), it was a short meeting and it finished at roughly 20:30. I was going to pop into their observatory in Dalton but as the sky was clearing I decided to pack my scope and head off to Birkrigg for my own observing session. I arrived at Birkrigg at roughly 21:45 and started to set up



Skywatcher 130 SynScan Goto Telescope Setup

Hi All, Very excited to have received my new telescope although very confused with the setup. Does anyone have a skywatcher 130 synscan goto? As far as I am aware I have put in the correct Lat & Lon details. My mobile phone gave Lat and Lon which the synscan did not accept so I had to convert it. Is this where the problem lies? I have also left the time zone at +00.00 for the UK, is this correct? At the moment when I test search objects such as the moon the telescope doesnt get any where cl



1st September 2010

Another good night. Checked out the usual suspects and added M15 to the bag. Very bright core on that thing. I then moved on to Jupiter which was amazing yet again. Saw Io's shadow crossing the planet which was a first. Then everything fogged up. I'm so going to have to make a dew cap. Still, this Skywatcher 127 scope is well worth the money, best present I bought myself for a while. Yay.

Mr George

Mr George

31st August 2010 - Birkrigg 130mm Skywatcher.

31st August 2010 Conditions were good, forecast was slight cloud then clear night. Location - Brikrigg Common, Cumbria. I decided that I was going to try and do some imaging and needed a telescope that had drives. My new Skywatcher Explorer 200p 8" and EQ5 mount does not have drives fitted yet, so it I was left with the Skywatcher 130m with RA clock drives. Arrived at 21:00 and proceeded to set the EQ2 mount up, polar aligned and balanced scope then allowed it to cool down while I set up the



29/08/2010 - Birkrigg DSO Objects.

29/08/2010 Birkrigg Common, Cumbria 21:00 - 00:30 Arrived at Birkrigg at 21:00 and Set up the Skywatcher 200p and EQ5, once polar aligned I let the scope cool down for 30 minutes, while I found my bearings and scanned the sky with binoculars. The Moon was still very Low in the East and Jupiter was just coming above the horizon and still in the dirty part of the sky, and viewing the planet was unsatisfactory. While the Moon was low and not as bright as it had been in the last couple of observing



New to astronomy help would be appreciated.

Hello, I am just getting stared into star gazing and astronomy. At the moment I'm doing my research, and also looking at a well equipped telescope that will serve my needs as well as one that has quality and durability. I already have an idea in the one I want. It’s the Mede LX200.Although not sure on the size yet. I'm thinking the 10". If I am going to get into this I might as well do it properly. I would appreciate any help, in aiding me to further develop my interest and understanding in the

Di Vita

Di Vita

the Eyeball in the sky...28/08/2210

Oh! Joy of joys!!! finally got a clear night and got the virgin 10" Dob out of its box..it is now NOT a virgin. It was a night of mixed emotions, from the high of seeing few stars in the sky then looking through the scope and seeing millions, to the frustration of knocking the finder scope and not being able to line the scope up all night...and the realisation that I have a very limited field of view from my back yard....and then !!!:headbang::hello2::hello2::icon_eek:...a burst of real exciteme



the Eyeball in the sky...28/08/2210

Oh! Joy of joys!!! finally got a clear night and got the virgin 10" Dob out of its box..it is now NOT a virgin. It was a night of mixed emotions, from the high of seeing few stars in the sky then looking through the scope and seeing millions, to the frustration of knocking the finder scope and not being able to line the scope up all night...and the realisation that I have a very limited field of view from my back yard....and then !!!:headbang::hello2::hello2::icon_eek:...a burst of real exciteme



japanese binos greaaaaaatg for skywatch

hi everyone,just joined and it seems i am not well equipped for a stargazing site as i only have an old pair of tokyo tohyoh binoculars,but in their defence they are brilliant for looking at jupiter and its moons fantastic.anyone else share the value of using binoculars for looking at night sky:hello2:



26082010 - Another Clear Night.

26/08/2010 Birkrigg Common (Cumbria) SkyWatcher 200p (8") - EQ5 Mount (Manual) As this was the last opportunity to get out with the scope for a few days, I thought I would have another go at finding M31. Arrived at the observing site at 21:10 and set up the scope, polar aligned and balanced, love the polar scope on the EQ5, makes things so much easier. Moon was already climbing steadily in the Eastern sky, so I took the time to fix a couple of Moon filters double stacked, as the Moon is again v



Birkrigg - 24/08/2010 - SkyWatcher 200p - Report

24/08/2010 Birkrigg Common Weather Conditions were very clear, but with a very bright Full Moon. Although it was windy conditions in Barrow in Furness I thought I would try Birkrigg. On arrival at Birkrigg; conditions were ideal, very sheltered and really clear on all horizons. Arrived and set the SkyWatcher 200p and EQ5 by 21:30 and the bright full moon was already well above the Eastern horizon and making the seeing anywhere East/South difficult to view. Took some shots with the DSLR and the C



New Scope = More Cloud/Rain

Well the New Skywatcher 200p 8" Scope on a Sturdy EQ5 mount arrived on Saturday and although it's been set up and took out twice, suffered with cloud on both occasions. The EQ5 was chosen for it's build construction and it's ability to hold a large DSLR at the Eyepiece. The 8" scope should give a reasonable size object for the CCD Camera. Couple of photo's are with the DSLR inserted in the eyepiece with Zero magnification, Jupiter was very low in the Eastern dirty horizon and although did look f



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