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New member

Hi everyone what a great site, only just registered so am new to it. All seems a bit confusing but i guess i will get use to it. Nice to see so many members.:rolleyes:



Other Hobbies

I think I know the exact place you're on about. Is this the one that has a blue that's only found in that one place?

Parus major

Parus major

light pollution

i have always loved observing the sky. I love the sky especially during the sunset. But I also love stargazing at night, unfortunately the city lights are getting in the way, making it impossible for me to watch the night sky clearly. The sky here is red almost every night. :(



Saturn this AM?

I know i'm a newbie and a fresher so to speak but i'm hoping i've just seen Saturn in the SSE morning sky?? Very bright and quite low in the sky(excuse my lack of technical detail)...only have a 10mm lense in my scope but was sure i could make out the rings...or was that just my mind playing hopefull tricks??? :hello2:



Buying a telescope

Hi, im new to this forum and just want some advice, thanks in advance! I have been looking at telesocpes for a while- im a complete beginner and i have decided on the skywatcher 6" Dobosnian Telescope, and if my budget increases maybe even the 8". Is this the right choice? Secondly, i'm not sure where get either of these, or anything else anyone can advize. Thanks! :)



first try at moon pics

hi every one thought a would have a go with registax and some video it did not turn out that good this is my first go so be gentle any tips on what went wrong please thanks pat http://stargazerslounge.com/members/todd8137-albums-sketchs-picture8462-not-good-i-no-first-go.html http://stargazerslounge.com/members/todd8137-albums-sketchs-picture8463-second-go-not-goos-no.html



Stellarium download problems

Hi folks, I've tried a few times to download the Stellarium to my laptop (Windows 7). The image flickers and flashes. Any ideas what is causing this?



Hello from another New Member - Skywatcher AZ Goto 102mm Maksutov.

Hello to everyone in the SGL. I've just purchased my first 'proper' telescope and came across this fantastic website. The SGL seems like a very friendly welcoming community. Does anyone else have a Skywatcher 102mm AZ Goto Mak? Have entered my coordinates now and I'm just waiting for a clear night to do the star allignment. Any tips or advice would be very much appreciated? Thanks Folks..



Rother valley optics telrad reflexl sight

Hi all well the telrad came today from rother valley optics i ordered it on the 31st dec to beat the extra vat ,back then it was £39.00 delivered they e mailed me the same day to say that it would not be back in stock till the 11 jan 2011 and did a want a refund i said no i will wait they rang me on the 10 jan to tell me my order would be sent out on the 11th jan and it arrived this morning the advantage to this for me will be the image the right way up, whist looking for targ



Latest Bug Fix

Got the tracking correct, finally. What was it?.. a miscalculation.. no. mis-specced/counted motor/worm.. no. straight lack of understanding.. no. pure and simple foul up.. that'll be it. The software has a sin lookup table for generating the microstepping, it used to use a 128 sample 1/4 sine ramp to generate it, but I found that a 150 sample 1/4 sine ramp improved theoretical performance. I had changed the lookup table without error, then forgot to change the software that turns that




Hi Guys n Girls, I was wondering if any of you have a Celestron Astomaster 130EQ MD telescope? I am new to star gazing and have received this for Christmas and want to use it to the best of its ability. Any tips? Susie :o



another set of first`s for me

HI to every one well tonight was another great night 9 1 2011,set the dob up around 17:30 and there was a little cloud,tea in hand at around 18:20 a took my first look of the night jupiter was in a clear part Jupiter this was a great view tonight with the 10mm ep i could see 3 clear bands and all 4 moons with no trouble drew a pic which a will post to my pics after a while a put a blue filter 82a in and one of the the bands about a quarter of the way from the bottom really caugh



Classic Swift 831 saved

Hello folks, I came across a Swift 831 tube,in the delivery box from the revered Charles Frank, postmarked October '61 complete with an inverter, 40mm Ach. Huygen' and a 26mm Kellner lens. My dream is fullfilled only 49 years after I first saw one. The task now is to sensitively fasten it to an equatorial mount. Easier sad than done as the tube rings, spotter scope and tripod etc were not in the package when said car booter cleared the house. Just tried it propped on a rotary dryer, and even al

grahame P

grahame P

Hmmm, it's all White (dots)

Had a trial run last night with boys scope, first try, thought best it looked like I new what I was doing when he is back tonight for his first go. Got scope aligned fine but living in London is going to be a problem, saw Jupiter, a big White dot I could occasionally see some banding on and some of the moons but not much else, could not see any NGC objects which I thought I might be able to NGC1976 for example. Any suggestions on spotting through star gazer explorer 130p in heavily light pollut

Patrick Gilliland

Patrick Gilliland


hi every one a clear night came for me around 19:30 the 12 " dob had already been out side from about 18:45, the first light was jupiter and all all its satalites and it did not fail to impress me the 32mm ep gave a great view and the 20mm i was suprised at how fast it shot past and constant movement to keep it in the ep was crazy but a loved it that then was lost behind the trees orion was the next one on my list this was like when people say they have found god or what ever faith they i



From my Porch

January 8th, 2011 Many stargazing enthusiasts have to travel far from their houses in order to savor inky black skies when observing. Teaching as far as I do from city lights gives me the unique privilege of viewing right off my porch, a hop away from the patio doors and the warmth of my kitchen. Star gazing with an espresso anyone? Being so close also gives me easy access to my Stellarium program that helps me navigate the stars in search of new Messier objects to uncover.




January 7th, 2011 Teaching an eight hour drive from five star restaurants and theaters, one would think that there would be nothing to do on a Friday night in northern Quebec but I beg to differ. My evening started around 5:00 pm when I brought my telescope to acclimatize itself to the cold. It was a respectable -19 ºC ( -2.2 ºF) which made the view outstanding and the comfort quite reasonable. The waxing crescent moon was quickly making it's way to the horizon and I knew I had little



pulsar optics

hi everone just want to had ny 2 pence worth about this company, i dealt with James who was great i had no probs every thing came on the date a was told a had e mails phone calls updates of them all the time they even rang me on the day of delivery to ask me if it came i did spend nearly a thousand pound and did get a couple of free things a brigtness filter and a color filter and a couple a books they did them selfs proud and a would say that they are a good group to deal with rant over



Which scope to buy

Hi all I am just starting up and cant decide which scope to buy. It would be between the Explorer 150p (eq3-2) or the Explorer 130 f/900. If there is another scope which is just as good please tell me. My main aim would be to take photos so which would be the best solution. Brian.



Just starting out and telescope advice is really, really needed

Hey, im just starting out with this and have just spent several days scouring the internet looking at pretty much every type of telescope known to man. Can anyone provide any advice on where to start? Im interested in viewing planets through a scope with detail and the ability to see rings etc. I've about a £300 budget so far, is this enough? I have absolutely no idea about all the measurements and sizes of telescopes so basic beginner advice would be very useful. Thanks :)



first light optics

just like to thank flo for there great service and e mails ,baader 0lll filter ordered 31st dec to beat the vat came today got covering e mails great services from them again 1st rate



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