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My daughter, the genius!!!


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First of all please move this if necessary.

Secondly, my daughter is just over 2 1/2, today on the bus whilst drawing in the condensation on the windows she turns round and says " mommy can you draw me an atom"

Not a dog or a cat or a rainbow or any 'normal' 2 year old requests, a flippin atom!!! Next she then proceeded to name mercury, earth, mars. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, all to the amusement of other people on the bus.

I know I repeat this stuff to her a lot but never expected at 2 years old she took any of it in, also last night before bed she turned round and said " can I have a quick look at Jupiter and Orion before bed" I am amazed and one very very proud mommy!!!!

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Most parents dread their children going to school, I'm so excited for her, it can do nothing but expand her mind,

She also asked what atoms are made of lol!! I think protons, neutrons and electrons confused her :-p

Yes my drawing is far to small for you to see :-) x

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I have a 2 1/2 year old boy and we enjoy a good look up to the stars too. We haven't got to atoms yet but he loves nature and science. When I had a headache the other night I asked him to massage my head and he said he was drawing a spiral galaxy!

Lets hope they keep up their interests!

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I have a 2 1/2 year old boy and we enjoy a good look up to the stars too. We haven't got to atoms yet but he loves nature and science. When I had a headache the other night I asked him to massage my head and he said he was drawing a spiral galaxy!

Lets hope they keep up their interests!

Awww how ace!!!!! Sydney keeps telling me she has a headache in her leg which is so funny!!! I think they will both go far :-) x

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Just goes to show that it's never to early to talk to children. In our family (and extended family) we've always had fascinating conversations around the dinner table. Now with one just about to go off to Uni to study astrophysics and the other in the first year of GCSEs our dinner times can last a long long time with very varied conversations!

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Sounds like she's very bright! Very young kids are like sponges in that they just absorb everything (which is why it depresses me when I see people swearing or smoking around their kids).

I have to be very careful what i say around her, she takes everything in!! And yes. That's one thing I don't like. As a parent you are a role model and guide for your child, yesterday I was shocked to see a 13 year old, if not younger, plastered in make up dressed like an 18 year old off to a club smoking on the corner of my moms road flirting with 3 young boys. It depresses me, I'm only 27 but I was bought up to respect people and respect myself, the way kids talk now is horrible,

Sorry I'm ranting!!


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No I never got chance lol. I was gonna draw her a carbon atom but completely forgot when we got home. X

You could have pulled out a pen (or asked the driver for one) and drawn it on the back of the seat in front of you. At least it would have made a difference from the graffitti and filth we normally have to put up with :tongue:

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You could have pulled out a pen (or asked the driver for one) and drawn it on the back of the seat in front of you. At least it would have made a difference from the graffitti and filth we normally have to put up with :tongue:

Yes it would definitely!!!! I'd have labeled it too, educational graffiti :-) x

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She sounds great.

Of course nobody can draw an atom because what they are 'really like' is a complete mystery. This might make rather a nice answer! Something you can't draw. Hmmm. Mind you, I can't draw a horse.


There's always one :-p

I'd have drawn some round protons and neutrons and dots for electrons, she's only 2 no need to confuse her haha! X

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