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Wheh O When

Martin 2

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When is this weather going to let up, haven't seen a clear sky since week before Xmas (sods law I had flu). Never known so many gales in such a short period of time. Just had about 8 mtrs of lime stone wall come down in this last gale, branches off trees and my neighbours rotary washing pole has been bent over 45 degrees (no washing on it).

Its got to come right soon. PLEASE


:D:p :p

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When is this weather going to let up, haven't seen a clear sky since week before Xmas (sods law I had flu). Never known so many gales in such a short period of time. Just had about 8 mtrs of lime stone wall come down in this last gale, branches off trees and my neighbours rotary washing pole has been bent over 45 degrees (no washing on it).

Its got to come right soon. PLEASE



And you are at the warm end of the country, you ought to try Cumbria for a while. I can't even get the dog to go out for a walk now.

I drove down to Devon for the total Solar Eclipse way back when, loaded with gear and never saw the sun. I must admit I whinged a bit on the day, but the rest of the stay was brill.

Cheer up M2, As the song goes. "Things Can Only Get Better"

Barkis up here in the frozen north. :D

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It's been an awfull astro season up in Scotland too :D

Theres sometimes a decent dry/frosty period nearer the end of Jan in the UK so fingers crossed for the next new moon!


You aint kidd'n Paul - When will it stop? - cloud and rain, rain and cloud. I have forgotten what blue skies (and clear skies) look like. It is Winter's like this that make me wonder why I don't take up crochet - then I realise, when the weather is good, Astronomy is just so much fun - observing, imaging, lots of equipment - lists of objects to tick off - it cannot be beaten. I guess the sense of awe and the "Wow" factor achieved when I see a distant fuzzy I haven''t seen before makes it all worth while.


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Was supposed to be sunny today, but it's lashing down rain again, just now. It was sunny this morning, as I went to church, but that was the last time I saw the sun today. I should have got up at 4:00 AM, then I could have seen something.

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I have found a way to get some clear skies.

You get an email asking you for your article on double stars observation and measures to be submitted within 48 hrs and hey presto that night........the sky clears and you go outside instead of writing the article. :D

So everyone get logging your observations and when it is time to get the published the skies will clear :p



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