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Stargazing Live Response (possibly)

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well done stargazing live! lol

We should have more programmes like that I reckon. :)

NO don't encourage the BBC to do this again... it's because of this that I'm having to wait two months for my scope to arrive as all these newbies have bought up all the stocks of decent telescopes :)

Seriously, it seems that no one predicted the demand for telescopes that the programs would generate which caught most of the distributors out. Just goes to show the power of prime time TV !

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I bet all these small companies floggin telescopes are doing a roaring trade, before that programme was aired, not many people were not that bothered!

I enjoyed it too, I like prof cox and his other shows too.

That would be good if they did it to cover each season or each month would be better, it could be a more up-to-date version of The Sky At Night, which is on late at night usually; who watches that?! lol

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I reignited my interests before the program aired but hadn't spent any time with my 'scope last year. Finally got out this year!

I thought Prof. Cox was a little 'unprepared' live, but I did love 'The Wonders of the Solar System.'

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I'm wondering if they did opt for a regular sort of "spring", "summer" etc Astronomy watch will have as much of an impact as the three day event ?

The way stocks of sub £1000 telescopes have flown out of he shops has been nick named the "cox" effect :) :)

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I reignited my interests before the program aired but hadn't spent any time with my 'scope last year. Finally got out this year!

I thought Prof. Cox was a little 'unprepared' live, but I did love 'The Wonders of the Solar System.'

That's because coxy spends most of his time in particle physics world, underground at the LHC in switzerland; professors don't do much presenting on tv, not that I know of anyway, but I have seen a few of his talks though in the US and A. :)

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That's because coxy spends most of his time in particle physics world, underground at the LHC in switzerland; professors don't do much presenting on tv, not that I know of anyway, but I have seen a few of his talks though in the US and A. :)

He's on some sort of live show / performance in May I think - Uncaged Monkeys? Would love to go see but baby due ..... I think my nights under the stars or anything related may be cut a bit short :)

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Personally, I really enjoyed Stargazing Live! Also loved Wonders' and can't wait for the next series, and have seen all of the good Prof's Horizon programmes on BBC2 (I think)... Haven't disliked any of it! Anything that makes Astronomy a slightly less-geeky hobby and brings it further into the main gets a big thumbs up from me :)

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Jonathan Ross was the only thing that ruined it for me! I thought Dara O' Briain was a good co-host, although he did talk over Coxxy a bit too much... It's something that can be addressed if they're carrying it on as a 'spring/summer/autumn/winterwatch' type of thang!

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I been telling my boys I'll get a scope for a while now, watching Stargazing Live has just increased their pester power by 10 fold, thus all the recent questions regarding the 250px, still to be ordered, so for all you out there waiting for telescope stocks to be replenished, I'll join the back of the queue.:)

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One shouldn't assume that just because someone has just joined this forum that they are newcomers to astronomy!

To act in a superior manner would be a grave error and might serve to put folks off from joining.

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I am glad there are new people joining it doesn't matter why but the more who do it the more likely we are to get something done about light pollution, there are 5000 on this site a petition gets looked at a letter gets read 5000 letters would be a real problem for any govt minister to look at they would have to consider the matter just to get rid of us

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Yes, unprepared for Ross and especially O'Briain constantly over talking him. :evil1:

I agree, that was most annoying!

As for The Sky At Night, I've been watching that for years, even if Sir Patrick is a little difficult to understand these days!

Prof Cox is a real intellect, but please keep Dara off! :D

And, I'm a noob, and why should it be discouraging?

We come here to learn, from you, the seasoned pro's, and in turn, maybe we will buy your old kit!

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I'll hold my hands up and say stargazing live made me get new bins and go outside. So for that it gets a thumbs up from me. Coxy is always watchable. I didn't even mind Dara. Though Jonathon 'all the gear, no idea' Ross had me reaching for the 'mute' button (why would he want to brag about his ignorance?).

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And I just had another thought - all the new people (like me) buying up all the kit might be annoying in the short term, but surely economies of scale mean that greater interest equals lower prices in future, right? Like in 6 months or so when I want to scratch my "scope itch"?

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And I just had another thought - all the new people (like me) buying up all the kit might be annoying in the short term, but surely economies of scale mean that greater interest equals lower prices in future, right? Like in 6 months or so when I want to scratch my "scope itch"?

Yep prices will come down in about 6 months when people who just bought scopes start to sell them in the for sale section here. They will get about half price for them.

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