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It's 5am :(


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It's rare that I get desperate enough to set the alarm for an early start (for astronomy that is). I'm really not a morning person.

The weather (all of them) said that it would be clear from around midnight, so I've set the alarm for 4:45 which would give me a couple of hours to have a go at Saturn with the C925.

blumming WEATHERMEN!!!

Going back to bed :(


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I too was out at 5 am.

5:05 Clear sky and a great view of Saturn

5:10 Get cam and laptop setup.

5:15 Look up. Oh no. Clouds.

5:20 Drizzle starts.

5:21 Close roof. Back inside for mug of tea.

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Don't worry, I head off abroad for 3 weeks work from tomorrow, so you'll all be getting clear skies, and Mrs H will be telling me waht lovely starry nights I'm missing!!

If it was that easy Rob we would be having regular whip rounds to send you away :(, 10,000+ members, you wouldn't have to chip much in each.


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I also set my alarm for 6am in order to get another Venus image. I was awake at 3am - total cloud cover. Woke up at 5.40am - total cloud cover - turned off alarm and back to bed. Woke up at 7.30 - SKY CLEAR !!!!!!

I have never ever got up and dressed so quickly - Venus still clearly visible and stayed so until I had imaged it (See separate thread). YIPPEE !!!!


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Nice one Dave, I'll pop over and have a look in a sec.

I stayed up till 5:30 checking all directions in case clear patches were lurking... nothing, I looked out again at 7:30 and there was a small clear patch, much too bright (and in the wrong place) to see Saturn.

But I did manage to see a VERY thin crescent moon! Lovely sight...

Jon, you are right - I should know better by now. :(


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It's rare that I get desperate enough to set the alarm for an early start (for astronomy that is). I'm really not a morning person.

The weather (all of them) said that it would be clear from around midnight, so I've set the alarm for 4:45 which would give me a couple of hours to have a go at Saturn with the C925.

blumming WEATHERMEN!!!

Going back to bed :eek:


I took one look at SAT24 and decided the forecast was ******** :)

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But I did manage to see a VERY thin crescent moon! Lovely sight

also saw the Moon, really superb view, around 7.15 this morning, I was really amazed to see it so low on the horizon looking so large, guess my sight was confincing my brain it appeared that way. Venus was also a great sight but all to soon the cloud was back to ruin it.


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