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Stargazing Live


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I assume we are all looking forward to "Stargazing Live" on the 3-5th January?

I'm sure Brian Cox will bring his usual knowledge and enthusiasm to the programme and the various locations will be interesting.

My only gripe, and question, why bring Jonathan Ross into it? OK, he's supposed to be a budding astronomer with shiny new telescopes but all he ever seems to offer is his enormous ego, banal sense of "humour" and endless smart alec quips.

I'm sure there are lots of contributors to this forum who would have gladly taken part and at no cost to the BBC who seem determined to hang onto Ross.

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With the current run of weather it could be more like cloud watching live. :)


Indeed, that is the more likely outcome. :p I think the BBC are anticipating that and hence bringing in some people to liven things when the live aspect goes plop and there's not actually any astronomy. It's not like Springwatch or Autumnwatch where the weather makes little difference to the proceedings.

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I can imagine Brian Cox struggling to get a word in over Ross.


They've met already on the Jonathan Ross show (obviously hit it off and perhaps why he has been chosen) and Brian came off very well against Woss.

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I hoping that the sky is clear over the nights the programmes are on so I can actually go out and do some astronomy and not have to watch that idiot on the telly. What a shame that the BBC thinks that it is worth while ruining some good science with that egotistical dolt.

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Although not a big fan of Ross, I seem to remember he was on a radio show recently with Cox and was actually quite good. Might have been 'the infinite monkey cage' but I'm a bit hazy on the details. He actually seemed intelligent and erudite, which is something most science program could do with.

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Dara went to University College, Dublin, where he studied maths and theoretical physics.

May not just be along to make up the numbers. :):eek::p

I don't have a problem with Dara (providing he has his serious head on :hello2:)

I'ts the BBC's love affair with so called celebrity as typified by Ross that I object to. There are so many more appropriate contributors they could have used.

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