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Hello from Gloucestershire


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I have posted a few messages in the beginners advice forum but thought I should wander around the rest of the forums to get my post-count up to 50 so I can see the buy and sell!

I am a completely new starter, based in the Forest of Dean. I am in town but light pollution could be a lot worse and I can quickly get into the forest where the skies should be quite dark.

I have had an interest in astronomy for a long time but only got fired up about it over the last few weeks after seeing that bright star close to the moon, realising it must be a planet, seeing the disk through binoculars, narrowing it down to Jupiter or saturn, having it confirmed on the web to be Jupiter and finally glimpsing 4 moons, presumably the same ones that got Galileo all fired up those centuries ago. Wow!

Now I want a basic reflector.

--- Penguin

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hello penguin , i can just about see the forest from across the river here in stroud , welcome to astronomy , always something to see weather permitting!!! ps don't buy too much kit straight off or the bad weather will be down to you. LOL:hello2:

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HI and welcome from me as well :blob10:

You'll find quite a bit 'up there' to impress you as time goes by.

Theres loads of excellent beginners telescopes around - just steer clear of n-brand stuff on ebay. You can always ask up on here and people will be kind and help advise.

CLear skies to you.

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Hi Penguin, welcome to forum. You sound a lot like me. I've had a long standing interest in the night sky but just recently got "fired up" enough to buy a telescope. Jupiter was new to me about a month ago, since then I have been marvelling over it and its moons through my scope.

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