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Good morning all.

We are a family of 4 living in St leonards on sea.

Our 8 year old daughter has been banging on about the stars and planets for what seems like years!

So with no knowledge at all we set about getting a little telescope for her to play with!

Ebay beckoned :) so many:eek:

But with luck we saw a Skywatcher locally for sale! as good as new but seemed expensive as we didnt have a clue what was a fair price......

Offered the guy some money hehehe but wasnt enough.

End of auction came and i won it for less than i offered so sweet as a nut matey :):D

We are now the proud owners of said skywatcher with EQ3-2 Mount.

Havent a clue how to use it .....but have set it up and have looked at the moon, early hours wednesday... WOW!

Kellie is going to be so so pleased when she comes home from Grandmas tomorrow to have a looky.

Might need to get her a box to stand on :D


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Hi Clint welcome to the forum. Great to see you are Stargazing as a family.

This place is full of all the information you will need and no matter how trivial or basic the questions are just ask, I do as I have only just started with a telescope.

Have fun...


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Hi Kirbys, welcome to SGL.

I'll bet your daughters face will be amazing when she claps eye's on your new scope.

If you get chance have a look at Jupiter, it will be rising in the East around 11pm. You should be able to see the four moons, and maybe some of the band, depending on what eyepieces you have.

If you haven't already got it, Stellarium is a useful, and free programme to have, and will help find your way round the sky.


Clear skies.

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Hi Clint and young Kellie,

A very warm welcome to SGL, hope you enjoy the forum and your new scope.


Thanks all, Kellie will post tomorrow :)

John the scope is out on the decking all set up and waiting :D

Clouds are clearing so fingers crossed....

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Hi Kirby family and welcome to the forum.

Astronomy provides something for everyone so I hope you all enjoy your recent purchase. Don't hesitate to ask any questions as there are plenty of people who are more than happy to help out.

Clear skies soon


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Hello Kirby family :):hello2:

Welcome to you all. Hope Kellie likes the new scope. Enjoy the forum- plenty of excellent info to be found on here!

Well Kellie loved the new scope but unfortunatley fell asleep so did i :D

I woke around 12:30 and had a wonder and to find my sons light still on so i grabbed him and said "come outside" not the old song :)

It was as clear as a bell outside and i spotted Jupiter!!!

We set the scope up, very hamfisted still, but when we finally had a butcher hook in the finder WOW........

We got it set up about right and saw Jupiter in all its glory and also 2 maybe three of the moons also!!!!

Fingers crossed i can get Kellie up one night to see the same.

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