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Hello from the dark skies of the Isle of Wight


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Hello SGL,

I thought it about time to make my self known and make my maiden post. A brief intorduction, I have always been interested in astronomy and a year ago I bought my first and still current scope. My Celestron Nexstar 6SE serves me well for fairly bright objects for visual observing, but I feel the need to move on and be more ambitious such as home made Dobs and solar observations prehaps an imaging setup in the future.

I am lucky to live one the IOW and have decent skies, very good when looking south and am a member of the local astronomy society.

Clear skies everyone.


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My parents have just moved to the IOW, I was there a few weeks ago - scopeless but enviously looking up at the skies there. Definitely taking my scope for any visits later in the year once the nights draw in.

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Hi Simon,

Welcome to the forum. Just across the water near Southampton. Although IOW is where we hope to retire too one day (getting ever further away now). It's a lovely place, we usually stay in Niton or Freshwater. Skies down at St Catherines Point were awesome last year.......just watched the stars sink into the horizon.

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