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Most used telescope?


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The one I own now and owned previously, the Synta ED100! For me it suits my needs perfectly. Easy to use, zero maintenance, not heavy and not unwieldy. Cools quickly and gives a good view of all targets. For the first time in years i still have no desire to own any other scope........it's perfect!

The HEQ5 that it sits on is also a great all round mount. Not too heavy and cumbersome but plenty of capacity to carry the ED100 and whatever accessories I put on it. Tracks extremely well, is quiet, smooth and responsive.

I love my current setup and that's reflected in the number of times it gets used.....any and every possible chance!!!!!!



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Ah yes, you're absolutely right Gordon. Money no object I would like one of the slightly larger Apo's. ZS110 or FLT110 would be perfect really. If an ED120 came up at the right price, I would also consider that too.

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Yeah, i was inistally unsure about the ED120 as most people seemed to think that the colour correction wouldn't be very good given the short focal length, but in all the reviews i've read so far i've heard nothing but good things. Seems like synta have managed to pull it off afterall dispite peoples thoughts.

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Although I just acquired a 105mm refractor, my most used scope is, and will continue to be the 6" reflector. It is better on DSOs, and I can look at objects at zenith without getting down on my knees. The refractor is better on the moon and, I assume, the planets.

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HMMMMMM, Hard one this if i was to say out of all the scopes that i have owned i could only have one then I would have to plump for the 130mm APM F7 Refractor i own at this moment optics are bob on the flat field is a joy pin sharp edge to edge quadroplet element gets rid of any chance of any colour and at f7 great wide field and still a gem for the planets people who have looked through the scope have said it is one of the best allround views of diffrent targets they have ever seen even in larger aperture scopes, and coupled with good eyepieces and my denk bino the sights are out of this world. :wink:

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Both of my refractors get a hammering most of the time and the Newt comes out on special occasions usually for observing rather than imaging nights.

In order of preference..

ED80 on the HEQ5

120 on the HEQ5

And keeping up at the back...

8" On the EQ3

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how do you align the circle on the base

The circle stays put on the bottom board and

the pointer goes round with the top board.

180' is south, 0' is north etc.

Initial setup is to point the scope at a star that you know the azimuth of

and then turn the bottom board (with circle) until the azimuth reading is

the same as the star's azimuth. (bit tricky because you need to keep the scope

pointing at the star)

Once you get this spot on, if you can, mark on the ground where

say 180' is and you can get very near next time you set up.

P.S. there's no such thing as a daft question :wink:

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My most used scope is actually was a 6 inch newt on a EQ3. Allways ready in the living room, ready to put outside in 2 minuts.


Last Friday my new OO 8 inch arrived. Bigger aperture with far better optics but same weight!

So this will be my most used scope in the future.

My 10 incher on HEQ5 is heavy, i only set it up on very goods nights and in weekend when i have time. I wonder if it will keep up with OO though. Mondayevening M15 in the OO looked very similar then in the 10 incher, perhaps even better!!

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I love both my ED100 and my ST80 although being really honest its the 80mm that gets used most - it sits on its AZ-3 mount ready to go at a moments notice and I can pick it up and carry it outside in seconds with 1 hand. Using a Baader UHC-S filter and the 24mm Panoptic (4 degrees field) I managed to pick out the Veil neb a few nights ago - not bad for an OTA that cost me less than £50 !.

Mind you I can't wait for some planets to use the ED100 on - the tables may turn then !.


North Somerset

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TV76 - fairly rapid cooling down, excellent performance and a pleasure to handle compared with the rather lumbering Vixen I had before. Usable as a grab-and-go on an EQ2 with the help of the Pronto adjustment plate that comes with the telescope. Also tough and light enough to be carted up a hill. Probably about the nearest thing to a crossover astro/birding scope.

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