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Whats in your Eyepiece case?


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I'm going through a process of slowly rationalising my eyepiece collection, and after throwing aside my cheaper plastic eyepieces that came with various scopes over time i've got it down to just a few eyepieces. Some of which are just place holders for more expensive eyepieces which i've not brought yet!

Just wondering, what eyepieces do you have in YOUR case?


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I have the following (cut it down to basics!)

1 x Meade 4000 plossl 26mm

1 x Celestron Nexstar Plossl 17mm

1 x Celestron Nexstar Plossl 13mm

1 x Antares 9mm Ortho (not used yet)

1 x Orion Short APO 2x Barlow



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At present, my basic kit is:

32mm Celestron

20 mm Knight Owl EWA

12.5mm X-Cel

8mm "

5mm "

Celestron 2x Barlow

I occasionally use a 6mm Antares Plossl, too, and I use a 9mm and 18mm Ortho for lunar and planetary work, occasionally.


25mm Antares W70

18mm Erfle or SWA

10mm SWA

7.5mm SWA

5mm Radian or Nagler

2x Televue Barlow or Powermate

I have started the process of replacing my present kit. It could take a couple of years, esp with that Nagler tagged on as the last ep I will ever buy.

Part of the plan is also to replace my 6" Newt with an 8" SCT. I may also take advantage of the 2" focuser on my frac to get a couple of longer 2" eps.

I prefer to use the ep, rather than the Barlowed ep, except for shorter lengths where the Barlow allows me to retain the eye relief of the longer ep. There is no logical reason why I have this preference.

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Well here goes.

Meade Super Plossl

6.4 mm

9.7 mm

12.4 mm

15 mm

20 mm

26 mm

35 mm

40 mm

56 mm

Meade QX

26 mm

Moon Fish Super View

50 mm

42 mm

Moon Fish Ultra Wide

30 mm

15 mm

Televue Nagler

9 mm

Meade Apo 2x Barlow 1.25"

Moon Fish 2x Barlow 2"

Televue 4x Powermate 2"

A two inch 2x Powermate and a 22mm Panoptic will be joining that lot shortly. I would honestly say that I would be lucky to use three or four of these on any one observing session and really should get rid of most of them but try as I might I can't decide which should go.

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Fifteen eyepieces :wink:

... Are they breeding!?

Thinking about it they must have been as I now remember giving away quite a few over the years.

Reading this thread has made me go and look in the EP case and Flippin Heck! the filters have been at it as well the little tinkers. :shock:

I thought I had a few colour filters and an LP filter, well blow me there's 2 narrowband, 2 broadband, 1 OIII, I IDAS, 1 ALP, 2 moon filters and 7 coloured ones.

Can't remember buying all these! :?

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I have a very simple selection of eyepieces

25mm Plossl (came with scope)

18mm Ortho

12.5mm Ortho

9mm Ortho

10mm Plossl (came with scope and has an a home made occulting bar to assist me in my search for extra solar planets)

25mm SMA (came with ETX)

10mm SMA (ditto)

Celestron 2x Barlow

Antares 2x Apo Barlow

Meade 3x Barlow

12.5 Ortho Celestron illuminated Microguide (used for DS measurements)

12.5 Ortho Vixen double cross hair (used also for DS measuements)

Hang on I have 3 12.5mm ortho does that mean I have some sort of condition? :shock:

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My intention has been to get down to a small set of 4-5 quality eyepieces plus a good barlow ..... but I keep failing as I can't resist a "bargain" !.

At the moment I have:

24mm Tele Vue Panoptic

19mm Tele Vue Wide Field (the Panoptics predecessor)

16mm Wide Scan III (84 degree Nagler wannabe)

15mm TV Wide Field

13mm Wide Scan III

11mm TV Plossl

8mm TV Plossl

6.7mm Meade 3000 Plossl (these are underrated I think)

6mm Circle-T Ortho

5mm Meade 3000 Plossl

Celestron Ultima 2x Barlow

So much for my good intentions !!.

I did own a 13mm Type 6 Nagler for a while but I was nervous of dropping a £200+ eyepiece so I sold it (which is exactly what the 24mm Panoptic is of course - doh !!).

Overall Tele Vue's have impressed me immensely - they are really well designed and made - worth the extra £'s IMHO. When I sold my TV 32mm plossl I had people squabbling over it which I have never exeprienced before.


North Somerset

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18mm Ortho

12.5mm Ortho

9mm Ortho

Those, together with a 7mm, are on my wish list when I come to build a new collection :grin:

6.7mm Meade 3000 Plossl (these are underrated I think)

Yes, they are - I have a few myself :wink:

Meade Super Plossl

56 mm

I have often wondered about that one.... Any good?

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24 mm Panoptic

19 mm Panoptic

15 mm LV

12.5 mm Baader ortho

10 mm ultrascopic

7.5 mm ultrascopic

LV zoom 8-24 mm

TV Barlow 2x

Scopetronix Barlow 3x

Tal barlow 2X

Baader OIII

some plossl and one Kellner that came with my scopes. I specificaly asked OO NOT to include any eyepieces with my new scope.

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All cheapies (so far): 40mm and 20mm TV Plossls; 25mm, 18mm and 6mm Circle T orthos; 15mm and 5mm Ultrascopic-type Plossls; 12mm and 4mm Vixen Lanthanums; anonymous 25mm Plossl that came with OMC 140; Broadhurst Clarkson third-inch Ramsden and two low-power Huygenians (the last three kept to remind me how dire things used to be); Dollond eighth-inch Huygenian marked 450 (for a four-inch refractor!)

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