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fist sight of saturn! woo hoo

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i did everything right, a real dark field, red torch, flask, stool... ect... "two hours to go, and saturn will be rising" woo hoo:hello2: i sat down curling my hands round my plastic cup of coffee. i saw what looked like a big toad a few feet away, slightly curious, i moved closer torch in hand, it was indeed wet and moving but it wasn't a toad, it belong to a much bigger aninmal.:) i must of spooked it as it got up mooing unhappily at me! they were everywhere! (at this point i should tell you i'm scared of cows). the car was a good 100 yards away, i had visions of them trampling my eye pieces. i did the manley thing and hisssed and clapped at them. i think they agreed that i was scarier as they mooched off down the field. i would suffer a scare like that and more though after seeing saturn for the first time. i know this sounds silly, but i was amazed at how much depth there was, how round it felt. i wanted to run home and drag my girlfrend out of bed( i might of if the cows didnt rule te field)and show her! i've never wished for a camera more in my life. all the pictures i've sen just didnt prepare me or this though. now saturn is truley a nieghbour and friend i shall be calling her again tonight.

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Nice report! Congratulations!

I remember wanting to knock up my neighbours too - decided that as it was 2:15 in the morning that probably wouldn't have been appreciated :) and the first time my nephew got to see it he suddenly disappeared inside and when he came back and I asked where he'd been he said 'to tell Mike how excited I am!' which was quite something from a teenager :eek:.


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Great first Saturn report. How can you confuse a toad with a cow :eek: must have been really dark :)

the mischeivious cow was lying in wait, obvously planning to ambush a lesser prepared human than moi! it was quite dark, and they had cunningly placed themselves behind me. my girlfriend has no choice but to come with me tonght. i'm sure once she sees satun looking like she does, she may just get a glimmer of why this all facinates and excites me.

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Great first Saturn report. How can you confuse a toad with a cow :D must have been really dark :eek:

it was in fact the twitching wet snout that out of the corner of my eye made me think it was a toad. i'm going to suggest we move house to a a location where our garden will serve as my place of worship. i think my girlfriend will agree....:) it would be nice to not have to trek into already occupied fields to st up.

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Congratulations on your encounter with Saturn, I think it is the most jaw dropping of the planets, it really does get your imagination into gear. If that doesn't hook one into astronomy nothing will. Fantastic report.

I once got cornered in a field by a herd of rather excitable cows and it scared me to death, well nearly..

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What a great report, Ive seen cane toads the size of dinner plates, but none a big as a COW :). I remember being surrounded by the beasts when fishing, YIKES

I reckon most of us are amazed at Saturn's perfection concidering how small it appears in the eyepiece. I know my mate and I were totally stunned, unforgettable and revisited at any oppotunity.

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Yes i also have saturn as my to date best sighting. It was morning very early and was quite light which funny enough made it even better for me as it was a beautiful silver colour. I run upstairs and got the wife out of bed and she was also amazed at what she saw. WARNING NOT ALL WIFES OR GIRLFRIENDS WILL ACT LIKE THIS ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK ..............:)

Great report Regards Daren

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Nice report. Saturn is great, but I rarely get the missus to appreciate it. It's a temperature thing. I remember a night of excellent seeing, with Saturn high in a slightly hazy sky, you could see the Cassini division easily, so I called my wife to come out into the garden, which lo and behold she did, and after a brief "that's nice" she scuttled back inside saying astronomy was too cold a hobby.

I have been accosted by a tawny owl during observations. It scared the daylights (starlights?) out of me, it appeared so silently. However, I have yet to confuse a toad and a cow.

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Nice report. Saturn is great, but I rarely get the missus to appreciate it. It's a temperature thing. I remember a night of excellent seeing, with Saturn high in a slightly hazy sky, you could see the Cassini division easily, so I called my wife to come out into the garden, which lo and behold she did, and after a brief "that's nice" she scuttled back inside saying astronomy was too cold a hobby.

I have been accosted by a tawny owl during observations. It scared the daylights (starlights?) out of me, it appeared so silently. However, I have yet to confuse a toad and a cow.

Had a pleasant evening observing with some horses :)

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One dark night I was crossing a field with some pals when we saw these wierd white shapes rise up out of the ground, making a terrible groaning sound. As we high tailed it back up the hill I realised they were just coos whom we had disturbed. Gave us a proper fright so they did..............

I'm lucky that I can observe right outside my front door where no strange beasties will come bothering, other than SWMBI. I can also go on the horsey arena for looking east, but sometimes the neighbouring farmer has his "searching for low flying Zeppelins" lamp on, pointing right at me.

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Been there done that, got the oh yeah, that's nice, I'm going back in it's too cold - I think they obviously don't realise what they're looking at.

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"....i had visions of them trampling my eye pieces... " :)

Us blokes must all be programmed the same. Even when running for your life :eek: you`re thinking, " Please God...not my lovely eyepieces...!!":D

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"....i had visions of them trampling my eye pieces... " :)

Us blokes must all be programmed the same. Even when running for your life :eek: you`re thinking, " Please God...not my lovely eyepieces...!!":D

The missus turns the big 40 in a few weeks and I haven't got a pressie yet...all I can think about is getting a nice foam lined case for my EPs after reading the recent "show my your EP case" thread.:D

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The missus turns the big 40 in a few weeks and I haven't got a pressie yet...all I can think about is getting a nice foam lined case for my EPs after reading the recent "show my your EP case" thread.:)

Have you got a link to the " show me you eyepiece case " ?

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