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clear skies please please

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Last night I had a lovely clear view of Orion at about 40 degrees, with the sisters virtually overhead. Sadly, the only place I could combine windfree with low LP was in a square meter of shadow alongside the port aft anchor winch house. Laying on my back gave the steadiest views through the binos. With the rig rolling I was struggling to get any decent views, but M42 was looking great. If I leaned against the rig structure, vibration was destroying the image totally though, so I gave up after about 20 minutes or so.

Still, it was good to be looking again after about a week without any "celestials".

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I was driving home on Friday and noticed a plane in the sky that caught my eye... It was still there a few minutes later, so started to try and work out what it was.

There were two stars to the right which I thought was the top of Orion - so I couldn't remember what the bright star might be... Then it suddenly dawned on me that it was the bottom of Orion and the star was Sirius.

The clear sky lasted about an hour.

I dread to think how long it's been since the scope got turned on... must be a month.


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i think i saw mars tonight, but i'm not sure. i'm a total beginner, so please could some of you confirm if that is possible. i'm sightseeing by the naked eye. i downloaded stellarium, and i put down my longtitude and lattitude. theres a cluster of stars very noticeable that i noticed (electra), so as i followed the pattern i think i saw the stars alderabran, belteguese, procyon, and then what i think could be mars. it was an orange sort of colour, seemed brighter than the other stars, but what seemed different that took my attention was it didn't flash like the others.

do you think this could be mars? am i using stellarium right and using it to find stars and planets? so fascinating.


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Can confirm that here for this eve too Dazraz, we should have clear skies from 6 to about 10pm in the Midlands... heh.. hope the show the missus tonite too as its not too late in the eve, im gonna try & get her into this :) Just need to lower the mount a little for her though, because last night I was on tippy toes - and im 6' 2" !!

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Managed to stay out till 3:40am this morning and saw a few new objects one of the best nights I've had so far, saw M53, M101 and M51 for the first time. Hope you guys have the same luck soon :eek:

Nice 1 Matt :)

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im going for mars again tonight plus a long look at orion :)

although mars is not glistening golden orange like a few weeks back :eek:

It sure aint. I'm confused about that. Mars is just about coming into it best over the next couple of weeks but already i see that it is nowhere near as bright as it was about a month ago.

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I've already spied the three open clusters in Auriga plus another, NGC 1907. All of which I've never seen before. :)

Auriga is a great target. My first observation of it (with my 20X90 bins) i stumbled onto M36,M38 purely by accident. I didnt know there was another cluster there (M37) until i checked Stellarium. There is also a nebula in Auriga too?. Its name eludes me right now but i saw the group of stars in the nebula..............although no nebulosity. I was blown away by Auriga.

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