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Messier 1 Close-up


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Don't like it - its not right...

So I've redone it, and added in my other Messier 1 data into the mix. This is now 5 hours and 50 minutes worth of Ha data through my Celestron C8 and my Astro Professional 102ED.

I think its a big improvement myself :D


What do you think now? Better?



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It sure looks very energetic Richie, but then again, that's what a SN remnant is, lots of energy, even if depleted somewhat from the bang. You seem to have improved it at every tweak.

The colour is nice, but as a personal taste, I like Mono too.


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Thanks all. I had another play with the data today, and was not able to improve it. I intend to add some more OIII data to the mix to reduce the blue noise in the outer envelope, and add some Hb data in as well. I certainly don't intend leaving the image like this - it just needs more data though :D

Ah well, the work of the Astronomer is never done, eh?



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Thanks Steves! Appreciate the comments.

100% agree on the initial Ha copy - it was awful - its amazing to me that I cannot see this sort of thing after a long processing session - I get too immersed in the processing routine instead of seeing the 'real' image in front of me :D

Still - thats why I like posting them on here - its either that or wait until the following day - and if everyone else can see what happens when things are over processed and learn, then I consider it worthwhile. Is that a fair comment do you think? Is it useful?

Can't wait to add some more data to it!



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Still - thats why I like posting them on here - its either that or wait until the following day - and if everyone else can see what happens when things are over processed and learn, then I consider it worthwhile. Is that a fair comment do you think? Is it useful?

I think so Rich, sometime you can't see the wood from the trees and getting a second (or third) opinion is always good, as is the case here :D.

The second one with the OII is superb!


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Saw your mail and checked it out as soon as I could on a decent screen (proxies block your site at work...?)

Love it mate, that's a great capture. Can't wait to turn the 110 on it myself ;)

Good to hear from you the other day.


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