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Stellarium operated goto mounts

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Guest metroman

If you check my post(I have a Explorer 130P Synscan AZ goto) Stellarium(latest version) is okay with this mount.


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  • 2 months later...

Martin, as a fellow 130P owner, have you noticed whether the handset and Stellarium RA/DEC positions are identical - or not? My handset always reports a slightly different position to Stellarium - only by a few seconds, but I have no idea why it is different. Is it something to do with relative clock settings?

Ignore my idiotic post above: It's all to do with the alignment accuracy. I was checking out the latest version of Stellarium without the Ascom drivers and had not star aligned the scope. So as soon as you move from park (where the positional info does line up) the two systems are out of ...errrrr... alignment!

Edited by Mikea
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this guide :D

After a long time not using my scope I have today linked it up to my pc and got the webcam ready.

All i need now is to figure out how to set the slew limits in stellarium and a nice clear night :)

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Guest metroman


I have not really noticed if there is any differance in the RA/DEC between the handset and Stellarium. To be honest we have not had any decent clear nights for a while, last time I was out, I was using my ETX-60AT. Next time I use the 130P, I will check(if we have some clear skies)


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  • 2 weeks later...


I wonder if anyone could help? I am trying to get it to work with my AZ synscan. I can connect the telescope with stellarium scope and I can connect it in stellarium, but it won't let me do both. It seems to be some kind of port mis-match. When I click on the diagnostic tab I get this:


I am running windows xp.

Any help would be much appreciated,



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i`m not sure whats wrong but i can tell you what my settings are,

firstly if you are using Stellarium 10.4 or above you don`t need Stellarium scope any more as it`s built into the new versions.

1. start Stellarium

2. click configuration window or F2

3. click on plug ins

4. click telescope control

5. at bottom make sure theres a tick in the box load at start up

6. click configure

7. click on add

my settings are,

1. telescope controlled by :-

Stellarium, directly through a serial port

2. name :-

call the scope whatever you want to

3. click start / connect at startup

4. device settings :-

com 1

5. device model :-

celestron nexstar compatable, but there are lots more in the drop down window

6. then click o.k.

hopefully you should be working but remember it only works when the scope is plugged into the computer, if you want to try it with out you need to set up virtual scope in the same way as above.

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I spent the whole of yesterday evening trying to calibrate Stellarium to EQASCOM using the 'Align' function. Whilst all the controls on Stellarium & EQASCOM seemed to work, I could not get it to transfer a point to EQASCOM. I gave up in the end - despite having a reasonable laptop 2Gb RAM/Win7 I think Stellarium is just too much for it. Been playing with CdC tonight, and whilst it's not so slick it seems easier to use with EQASCOM, and the calibration posed no problems in communication. Didn't manage a decent calibration though, so GOTO seems to have a mind of its own. Even managed a pier crash at one point, gulp, (had limit turned off). Another evening gone on technology, and another one needs to be planned but rain forecast next couple of days...

I will say that tracking with EQASCOM is fabulous - had Jupiter framed perfectly with my SPC webcam & 2x Barlow for an hour or so. Gusting wind and clouds scudding by. When you see Jupiter bouncing around the screen you realise your scope is just a big sail.

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  • 2 months later...


I am trying to get my Celestron 6SE working with Stellarium 10.6.1. I have the scope setup that way that is explained here. I get a "slew limit warning" on the hand control. I followed the below instructions. Any ideas?:

i`m not sure whats wrong but i can tell you what my settings are,

firstly if you are using Stellarium 10.4 or above you don`t need Stellarium scope any more as it`s built into the new versions.

1. start Stellarium

2. click configuration window or F2

3. click on plug ins

4. click telescope control

5. at bottom make sure theres a tick in the box load at start up

6. click configure

7. click on add

my settings are,

1. telescope controlled by :-

Stellarium, directly through a serial port

2. name :-

call the scope whatever you want to

3. click start / connect at startup

4. device settings :-

com 1

5. device model :-

celestron nexstar compatable, but there are lots more in the drop down window

6. then click o.k.

hopefully you should be working but remember it only works when the scope is plugged into the computer, if you want to try it with out you need to set up virtual scope in the same way as above.

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I think that warning is mount/handset related and nothing to do with Stellarium.

On the mount handset I think you can set limits for RA and DEC to that the movement of the mount won't cause things like the OTA to hit the mount by accident as it slews.

Stellarium could be trying to slew the mount past one of these limits so the handset is giving the correct warning.

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  • 3 months later...

Just wondered, is there anything on the synscan hand controller you have to set too? I've followed the exact same instructions as detailed, for a heq5 synscan, using xp, but after using the same settings, under 'status' is says 'stopped', you click 'start' and nothing happens, if I click on a star it says 'there are no active devices'?

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I have managed to get both my mounts to work with Stellarium with very little bother which is surprising since I am not very technical.

NEQ6 and CG5 GT

I have a Vista laptop.

My only problems were trying to "choose the appropriate plugin from the list" (instructions I found on the Stellarium Users Forum), but there was no list which tripped me up for a while, however as soon as I selected the correct com port it sprang into action.

However I do find occasionally it won't connect for some unexplicable reason, Com ports checked (these often seem to change themselves).


Edited by carastro
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I have managed to get both my mounts to work with Stellarium with very little bother which is surprising since I am not very technical.

NEQ6 and CG5 GT

I have a Vista laptop.

My only problems were trying to "choose the appropriate plugin from the list" (instructions I found on the Stellarium Users Forum), but there was no list which tripped me up for a while, however as soon as I selected the correct com port it sprang into action.

However I do find occasionally it won't connect for some unexplicable reason, Com ports checked (these often seem to change themselves).


You're a genius Carole, the comm port is the only thing I hadn't checked, moved to comm4 and we're away.......if you were here I'd buy you a drink!:)

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You're a genius Carole, the comm port is the only thing I hadn't checked, moved to comm4 and we're away.......if you were here I'd buy you a drink!:)

Gee thanks, it's not often I manage to advise any-one on these sort of issues.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm giving this a go but I'm getting as far as trying to find a port on the "ASCOM setup". I've tries the search button (Clicky with bino's) and manually changing to every port on the list and get nothing. Two Days I've been here!

Any ideas, people?

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If you are using as usb > serial adapter then check in your computers device manager for the comm port it has picked up. Right click my computer and go to manage, device manager will appear in the choices.

If you have the usb > serial installed correctly with the correct drivers it will have picked up a comm port and this will show up in the devices list, That is the number you will need to use.

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my computer and go to manage, device manager

As with Spikey. My com ports are under control panel, system, device Manager/ports (or something very similar), I did not have to touch anything to do with Ascom.


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Thanks for the replies, people but it seems again I've got a problem...


I did a google search and it seems one way to bring the section up is to update the BIOS, which I've done but it's still not there. Ho-hum.

Edited by Parus major
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Again I agree with Spikey. I'm no expert but it is my experience that a com port will only show if it recognises the hardware that is plugged in. Therefore I think the drivers for whatever you are plugging in are not installed.


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