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My Obsy moves along


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After having the observatory flat packed under wraps for the last 18 months, I have finally gotten round to construction.

A quick photo of progress, I'll do a more detailed step by step a bit later....

The roof is 6ft, and when it slides forward, it sits on the extended beams at the front. No uprights needed!!


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Looking A1 Daz. Just don't forget to place buffers at the North end. You don't want the roof falling of the edge.:icon_rolleyes:


Oh!, and It's great you now have time to do stuff for yourself, instead of being mired up at work.

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Nice one Daz, looking forward to your build reports mate, be nice to see the one and only EQ6 Pier Top in use...... :-)


lol!!! I will take PLENTY of piccies of that :icon_rolleyes:;)

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Rob - the rolling roof is 6ft and only 3 ft actually overhangs. The remaining 3 ft, stays over the body of the observatory.

When I get the roof on, I'll post up some more pictures.

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Hey, 'way to go then' Daz ;)

I hadn't realised that you had a 'flat packed' obsy sitting there, all that time :icon_rolleyes:

With the available hours of darkness rapidly diminishing, its a good time to be doing obsy construction work.

Welcome to the 'obsy owners club' :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Good progress today!

Got the fixed roof section felted and weatherproofed, got the extra bit of decking surrounding the shed fixed on and ....

the roof is on!!

Not quite finished, as I need to join the two sections together yet and get the rolling working, but it's a huge leap forward!

I'll do a picture (or several) tomorrow.......

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Another great day today! Roof is screwed together and rolls very smoothly.

Had a bit more weather sealing to do today, fix the front stop for the roof and gave it a really good hoover and brush out.

I carefully relocated all the spiders - to the hoover bag of course - and installed a couple of pine shelving units, kindly donated by a neighbour!

So, piccies of the observatory showing the roof rolled off. Hopefully people can see now, what I meant about only half the roof overhanging the front, and the reason it doesn't need vertical supports.

(I can hang on the end of the horizontals and it does not shift. I am not a 7-stone weakling - I'm sure others will attest to that!!!!)

Picture 1 - From the front with the roof closed

Picture 2 - From the side with the roof closed

Picture 3 - From the side with the roof open

Picture 4 - From an oblique angle with the roof open

Picture 5 - From the front with the roof open






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So, just some tidying up, painting, etc to do.

I've already "moved in", just need to get the pier height set and get that done!

The window will be replaced by an engraved board "The Alan Norman Observatory" - dedicated to my old man. I didn't get into astronomy until after he died, but I reckon he would have really enjoyed looking through the scopes!

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