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What draws you to SGL?

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I'm curious what brings us here. From my observations, I think that different people derive different things.

For me, I feel comforted that there are other people who also look up and feel awe, connection, excitement, or curiosity. It saddens me when I think that many people on Earth feel that they're in a town or city, but not that they're in a galaxy or universe. So, I like appreciating other people's appreciation.

I also enjoy how different people are excited about different things... refractors, physics, the volcanic features of the moon, and so on. Although much of it doesn't interest me, I like that there are people who are interested in it.

And it's nice to be able to post a picture of whichever item is exciting me at the moment and have a few others share that excitement. I'll go to the office shortly, and none of my coworkers would fully understand if I tried to explain how excited I feel about the 10x70 binoculars arriving in the mail today. I still might try, though, since (thankfully) they consider my eccentricity charming.

There are other things I could mention, but that's a start.

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Oh, and it's a good way to pass the (considerable) time between observing sessions. It's healthier than buying lots of unneeded astronomy equipment and getting in online arguments, which feels like more of a  CloudyNights thing to do.

Edited by The60mmKid
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The general sense of community. I have always enjoyed talking about Astronomy and sharing the night sky with as many people as possible is something I am very passionate about which is why I do plenty of outreach including in the past sponsoring a travelling astrodome from my old university when it lost some of its funding several years ago whose mandate was to visit all the local schools (money well spent as far as I was concerned).

Here you can leverage off the knowledge base and just share in the love for the hobby that we all have.


Edited by DirkSteele
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2 minutes ago, The60mmKid said:

Oh, and it's a good way to pass the (considerable) time between observing sessions. It's healthier than buying lots of unneeded astronomy equipment and getting in online arguments, which feels like more of a  CloudyNights thing to do.

One of the main reasons I am not a member over there. Incredible depth of knowledge, but far too much emotion in many threads.

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Great question!

Personally, I had been in online forums (for other hobbies) before, and I know for a fact that it takes some luck to find one that feels like a real community. The reason I started with SGL and not the other one is that SGL seemed far less American (I lived in the US, I love the US, but... I think you know what I mean here). From the moment I joined - a few weeks after I caught the bug for astronomy - it just felt right. It's a fun bunch people with very deep passion and knowledge of the craft. 

And from the start I haven't felt like "the noobie", more like a "mentee" in a way. That was fundamental for me to become active on here. 

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A comfortable place to be, less egos here than some other places I have visited and friendlier discussion.

I will admit habit to, but I consider it a good habit.


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It is good to share and discuss a hobby with like minded people.  

l agree with the comments above about a certain “other” forum where they are far too prickly, unhelpful and up their own backsides.  Joined for a very short time and haven’t been back since.  

l like it on here because there are a lot of comedians and also a lot of very helpful and knowledgeable people.  Made a lot of friends on here.  

Also because SGL is large you get a quick answer if you have a problem. 

Edited by carastro
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In the most part 99.99% their is no disharmony like some other forums, advice is  variable as is the hobby of astronomy.

Great pics  of set ups and soooo many ep recommends,  one ends up buying ep's though one knows they aren't needed.

Take the sv215 zoom, it is just a must have ep for the money. It is exceptionally good.

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At this point in time - I'm finding much easier to answer what drives me away from SGL rather than to it.

It's become part of my life so I'm not thinking in terms of being drawn to it (much like you don't think what drives you to your family, it's your family, you know), however, there are things that I must actively combat against in order not to be driven away from it.

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1 hour ago, vlaiv said:

At this point in time - I'm finding much easier to answer what drives me away from SGL rather than to it.

It's become part of my life so I'm not thinking in terms of being drawn to it (much like you don't think what drives you to your family, it's your family, you know), however, there are things that I must actively combat against in order not to be driven away from it.

I was distinctly unimpressed by another member accusing you of talking nonsense, just recently. You do not talk nonsense and, even if you did, SGL is not a place where that kind of remark is acceptable.

Which brings me directly to why I like it here. It's so civilized.

And helpful. There are lots of areas in which I have no competence at all, notably IT and electronics, and I can post a question and get an answer here within an hour.

It's also a chance for me to chat in my native language, which is relaxing.


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4 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

I was distinctly unimpressed by another member accusing you of talking nonsense, just recently. You do not talk nonsense and, even if you did, SGL is not a place where that kind of remark is acceptable.

Agreed: that is unimpressive. @vlaiv is the man! I get excited when I see his posts. "It's the masked guy whose posts go way over my head but nevertheless amaze and inspire me!" In my book, he's an astro-celebrity.

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I love how, when I joined as an absolutely clueless - ahem - person, people were so helpful and I could tell that very experienced members were happy to take the time to answer my basic questions.

Now, it's a friendly place to spend some time reading about lots of different astro goings on, and occasionally chipping in if I feel like I have something to contribute. There's almost no backbiting or snide comments, and they are not tolerated anyway. SGLers are also amazing at helping to solve issues with kit or observing etc. I would have been lost several times when I couldn't get my new scope to come to focus or my new mount had a misaligned worm wheel or whatever you call it. 

Mostly, I feel like SGLers are people I would really get on with in person, and I very much enjoy our conversations!

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Behold my lowly post count !!!

I came here to see what I could do with a POS telescope and every reply was super helpful and really friendly. It would have been so easy for someone to be condescending or patronising but nope - super helpful. 

You are a friendly helpful bunch !

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37 minutes ago, Nicola Fletcher said:

Mostly, I feel like SGLers are people I would really get on with in person, and I very much enjoy our conversations!

Absolutely! I have met quite a few members and every encounter has been a positive. A great crowd.

Well there was one who would not answer the door when I went to collect a scope. I have to tell the story as it was still a positive.
I knocked on the door and we exchanged a few words through the frosted glass about him having to isolate due to going into hospital imminently.
This was when covid was still a big problem, but we were allowed out and about.
The scope kit was placed on the back garden for me to inspect while he watched through through the patio door.
Everything was in order so I loaded the car then phoned him.
We had a great chat for quite a while before I returned home.

Yes the SGL members are a great crowd.

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I come here for advice even after 13 yrs I still need help sometimes but I do have a bit of knowledge I can give other people. 

I have found SGL one of if not the friendliest forum out there. 

I have met and spoke to a few members and love conversing with like minded people. 

Edited by wookie1965
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1 minute ago, wookie1965 said:


I have met and spoke to a few members and love conversing with like minded people. 

You might change your mind when eventually you meet me Paul....🤣

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I came to seek advice and guidance as I started my journey into astronomy.

I receieved that advice and guidance in spades.

I now occasionally find myself in a position to repay that debt.

Additionaly, the folk here are a great bunch and far nicer, personality and ego wise, to some on a non astro forum I backed away from and a football forum I still frequent.

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I found SGL over 18 years ago now.

Just before that I found the CN forum and joined that but it seemed a daunting place to interact with given my level of experience (very little !) back then. SGL seemed much more accessible and comfortable for a relative newcomer to telescopes and observing.

While the membership of SGL has increased substantially over the years, the style and "feel", for want of a better word, of discussion has remained largely the same. 

I often liken communication on SGL to a group of friends discussing shared interests over a beer in a pub, which suits me very well 🙂

I still visit the CN forum quite frequently and post there from time to time but SGL has had to put up with many, many times as many posts from me - but please take that as a compliment 🙂

I spend a lot of time here and it's proved an invaluable, and probably essential, part of my enjoyment of astronomy.

Having played a part in moderating the forum for a while I know the care and thought that goes into that behind-the-scenes so it's nice to know that we and the forum are in such good hands :icon_salut:

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Nice topic @The60mmKid

1. SGL seems to me to be in quite a small group of forums (IMHE) where real life norms for inter personal friendliness and civility are sustained into the online space - a quality not to be taken for granted,

2. SGL is a great source of inspiration and assistance. i don't seek kit advice particularly but i do pick up loads from the observing experience and astro knowledge of others on here and always appreciate it, I'm constantly finding new things to add to my "to see" lists and inspiration to go back to other stuff for a deeper look,

3. "what did you see last night?" is a hobby sustaining thread as i vicariously enjoy the observations of others even while i may be under cloud cover in my location.

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54 minutes ago, John said:


While the membership of SGL has increased substantially over the years, the style and "feel", for want of a better word, of discussion has remained largely the same. 


That is good to know John.

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I was drawn as I at the time did not want to join a club....
I met friendly folks online, I asked stupid questions and got mainly sensible answers back 😉
Its a friendly place where folks like to share the joy of whichever direction your astronomy takes you.
That friendly place lead me to an Astronomy club near home, new friends and somehow over the years ended up on the committee of it.  (Full circle).

I have met a number of folks from here in person, who I consider friends.

Long may SGL remain the calm, friendly, ego free place that it is.

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