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Stunning Vixen evening


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What a stunning night ! Lovely moon crescent and a bright Venus setting . Out with the old school Vixen 102 f10. Sweet marble stars crowded the double cluster and a packed M52.

Gemini , a lovely view of NGC 2392 , the Eskimo , with the central hot white dwarf on view . I had the Orion Optics 200 f6 out earlier. Found very little difference at high mag between this and the frac view . That went for the 6" frac as well. Same not much doing with Mars ( few dark patches ) and Jupiter .

Beta Monocerotis gave a wonderful open triple at x92 with a 13mm Nagler , sweet combo !

Check out M50 in Monoceros , bright and sparkling ,a wonderful open cluster. " Hagrid's dragon " NGC 2301 spread wings  

I managed the 1.1" split on Tegmine (Zeta Cancri) with a 4.5mm TMB , just solidly still !

Still in Cancer , don't forget M44, Praesepe, a lovely sparkling cluster , just about visible by eye on moonless nights .

The transparency was stunning and I managed the E star in the Trapezium (θ Orionis) with a 5.5mm Meade UWA.

Orion gave an upright "37" of NGC 2169 .A lovely view of sigma (fish hook ) Orionis .

Caught a very low M41 in Canis Major . Picked up Hind's Crimson star in Lepus , under Orion. Over to a rising Canes Venatici and that stunning Y, "La Superba" , dazzling orange .

Cloud drifted in from the west , packed up , but up at 3.30 to view the comet !

Clear skies !


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Nice report, thanks for sharing.  My Vixen 80 f11.4 won’t split Tegmine as a triple, just a double, even in good seeing. The extra 22mm your 102 has would be most welcome.  But my 80 will show Beta Mon as a triple, one of my favourites.

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