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Geminids - Heads up! Seeing lots NOW!

Leo S

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Still a few tonight by the looks of it. Seeing some long/bright earthgrazers on UKMON, although I have not observed any yet this evening myself. The cameras are running once again - I only just managed to offload last night's data off the SSDs/SDs in time to get the cameras running tonight!

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53 minutes ago, Leo S said:

Still a few tonight by the looks of it. Seeing some long/bright earthgrazers on UKMON, although I have not observed any yet this evening myself. The cameras are running once again - I only just managed to offload last night's data off the SSDs/SDs in time to get the cameras running tonight!

Looking forward to seeing them, fingers crossed!

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10 minutes ago, andrew63 said:

Looking forward to seeing them, fingers crossed!

I wouldn't expect too much from tonight, especially in terms of numbers of bright events, but should still be a few fireballs about, hopefully! Last night was pretty spectacular.

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19 hours ago, Mike Q said:

We have been 100% cloud cover here in Ohio.  I will miss the whole thing 

Always frustrating when that happens. On a positive note though, next year is looking like a good one for meteor showers, and the Moon will be well out of the way for the Geminids (and others too possibly), unlike this year!

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7 minutes ago, Leo S said:

Always frustrating when that happens. On a positive note though, next year is looking like a good one for meteor showers, and the Moon will be well out of the way for the Geminids (and others too possibly), unlike this year!

November is one of our cloudiest months.  So unless one comes sreaming through on a low angle pass.... The likelihood of me getting to see much in November is pretty slim. 

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22 hours ago, Leo S said:

I wouldn't expect too much from tonight, especially in terms of numbers of bright events, but should still be a few fireballs about, hopefully! Last night was pretty spectacular.

It was a slow night, and I hardly saw anything. I decided to pack up early (5 AM) for a change as I was feeling a little more worn out than usual.

The cameras are running again tonight, and just a little while ago @ 19:09:20 UT I observed what may have been a fireball magnitude earthgrazing Geminid, heading from overhead in a westerly direction. One of the cameras should have caught a good part of it too.

I have not yet even had a chance to check the footage from two nights back, but it looks like the clear nights are over after tonight, so hope to go through some footage soon!

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2 minutes ago, Mike Q said:

November is one of our cloudiest months.  So unless one comes sreaming through on a low angle pass.... The likelihood of me getting to see much in November is pretty slim. 

That is usually the case here in the UK at this time of year too. I have lost count of the times we have had Geminids foiled by bad weather recently, and many other major shower peaks in recent years.

This year has not been too bad for me though (not just the Geminids, but in general), but perhaps partly because I have been bull-headed and determined to make the most of any (even small patches) clear sky when they are about. Although most peak nights this year were clouded out, I was able to observe for long periods around them, and that has made up for what I missed, but I realize not everyone can do this. I also let my cameras do most of the observing for me, but try to observe visually when I get a chance.

At the end of the day you just have to keep trying, and eventually you will catch a good peak under clear skies. Take advantage of the clear skies in the nights either side of the peak night too, as sometimes they can turn out to be the best nights, if you are offered them.

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