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First light for Starfield

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I set up a good hour and a half before darkness to ensure that the scope reached equilibrium temperature. I kicked off the night by quick focus check on the rapidly sinking moon. I then moved up to Albireo and finely tuned my focus on the double. The colors were easily discernible with the bright yellow and blue a pleasure to observe at 79x with a 9mm Morpheus. I then went to Saturn which was its usual amazing self and really clean and clear (seeing good). I started with the 9mm Morpheus again at 79x, then the 6.5mm (109x) and the 4.5mm (158x). The Cassini division was clearly defined and the planetary banding was also sharp. I decided to test my new Vixen 2x barlow with the 6.5 Morpheus giving me 218x. I am delighted with this eBay acquisition as it’s tack sharp and bright. I must have spent a full 30 minutes on Saturn before Jupiter was nosing high enough to observe. I went through the same sequence of Morpheus eyepieces and Vixen barlow while observing Jupiter. The seeing appeared to be getting even better as the night progressed. The equatorial bands were all visible and when the atmosphere plays along with you the views are fantastic. I was again another 30 minutes on the Jovian giant, before swapping between it and Saturn. I had to drag myself away from the gas giants. I then went to M57 with a UHC filter and after centering it in my FOV I used the 4.5mm Morpheus for 159x. I then caught M81 & M82 with the 14mm & 12.5mm Morpheus and M27 with the 9mm for 79x. I finished my session of with a look at one of my favorite asterisms the coat hanger with a 40mm plossl. Still  delightful. I am really impressed by the clarity of the optics on the Starfield 102, I end the night a happy man.

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Good to hear you've had a great experience with your new Starfield refractor!  They are really great scopes and my last couple of sessions with it seem to prove that is can pull really good detail on Jupiter (just put up an observation report myself using the refractor alongside my 12" dob...)

Edited by Davesellars
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Nice report. Glad you’re enjoying the scope. I was also out observing with my 102ED last night and saw some of the same targets as you. Really enjoyed the low power views of Cygnus and Cassiopeia with my 21mm Hyperion (34x), lots to discover just by sweeping the Milky Way. My favourite jewel of the evening - the carbon star WZ Cassiopeiae - very pretty. 

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