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Astro-Physics 110mm f6 StarFire GTX

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I’m just going to put this here and watch the comments come in!

It should fully correct the field across an IMX455 chip with its matched reducer taking it to f5 with 550mm focal length. Polychromatic spot sizes will be well within the Airy disk limit across this sensor with the reducer, right into the corners if it matches it’s design specifications. It would pretty much be the dream wide field scope if imaging is your main concern, though I expect it will be excellent visually too.

Edited by cfinn
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If they opened the list for the 130GTX again or introduced a 140-152 model, I'd sign up in a heart beat. But this 110GTX is simply too close to my APM115, so no despite the legendary AP quality (the chance is gonna be pretty low anyway).

Edited by KP82
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The 130GTX is such an all round scope in the bass it covers, visual and AP.

The 110GTX looks from the specs taylor made for full frame AP, with an amazing poly Strhel across the spectrum and all across the sensor.

I’d still go with the AP130GTX as what it provides for the weight.

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On 23/05/2022 at 22:56, Space Hopper said:

Well, i will chance my luck and put my name down in the draw.

I'm guessing a one in 20 chance. You never know.

Then one has to pay for it of course 😟


I may well do the same. I have Ed Ting’s advice ringing in my ears “….if you get the opportunity to buy an Astro-physics Starfire, just go ahead and buy it.” 🙂

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I'll put my name in the 110GTX lottery too, but not sure what I'd do if it came up t.b.h. I currently have a FSQ-106EDX4 which, looking at the specs, has pretty much the same field of view as the 110GTX with a full frame sensor.  That said, I struggle to get a completely flat field from the FSQ-106 when using it with my Canon RA (which I admit could be user error somewhere along the way), so the prospect of an Astro-Physics F5 refractor that can achieve it is quite mouth watering.


Exciting times 🙂

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  • 11 months later...
On 12/05/2023 at 17:41, Dark Raven said:

Soooo, this happened...


The conversation with the S.O. is going to be an interesting one... 🤔

Many congratulations!

I am on the list and would be interested to hear how much you end up paying with the current exchange rate and import duty. I would love to have my name drawn, but at the same time I dread the thought, as I won‘t be able to say no and it will cost me an arm and a leg!!

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Congratulations on your news. 

Wishing you a successful transaction and delivery.

I thought about putting my own name down, but in the end decided against it due to being unable to finance it if push came to shove.

Good luck and please share some photo's when it arrives.


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  • 3 weeks later...

First package with accessories arrived few moments ago. Delivery status for OTA claims it is still on time by the end of the day.








Parts are heavy and feel well machined. Smell of metal and machine oil is dominant. Rings are felted on the inside. Field flattener and reducer (Telecompressor) is a beast weighting 1.25 Kg without covers.





Now waiting for the rest and hoping it does not get stuck on customs over the weekend.

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Even those AP accessories look wonderful 😁

I only have one item of AP kit - the Maxbright diagonal and it is an absolutely superb piece of equipment in both engineering and optical performance terms. If the Starfire 110 itself is of the same quality (which it will be, of course) you are in for a lifetime of astronomy pleasure from it, I'm sure 🙂

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