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Skywatcher AZ GTI mount owners thread


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1 hour ago, bomberbaz said:

are you up wycoller way?

Well spotted. At the car park just above the Atom if you know it.  Really appreciated the van driver taking a pee about 6 feet away from my rig.   Also had a few carloads of youths but all gone by midnight so on my lonesome now thankfully.  Little bit breezy so guiding a bit off but I have some subs coming in that look ok.  Very weirdly had problems connecting SharpCap and CDC until I used my phones hotspot to get Wi-Fi.  The Mount isn’t connected via Wi-Fi - everything’s wired so a bit baffled by that one.  Appreciate most people are using ASI Air so not e expecting an answer but feel free to offer one if you know 😀

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Guiding was a disaster in the end with some big excursions in RA that I don't think I can attribute to the mild breeze.  Got 30 mins of data though then decided discretion was the greater part of valour when 3 cars turned up after 1am and quietly parked up together at the opposite end of the car park.   Shan't be using that location again any time soon methinks.  Unprocessed pic below. 


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29 minutes ago, Priesters said:

Guiding was a disaster in the end with some big excursions in RA that I don't think I can attribute to the mild breeze.  Got 30 mins of data though then decided discretion was the greater part of valour when 3 cars turned up after 1am and quietly parked up together at the opposite end of the car park.   Shan't be using that location again any time soon methinks.  Unprocessed pic below. 


Beautiful unprocessed image for 30 mins and all your guiding issues. It's a lovely FOV too. All the best astro imaging areas that need driving to seem to be carnal hot spots, hopefully you didn't accidentally flick your lights on and off getting in your vehicle 😬🚘

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My session tonight ended up better than it started. Was testing out my new filter drawer with astronomik L3 in and checking no light leaks (added the black tape incase) or the back focus altered. All ok though decided to put a 0.1mm shim on to bring it up to 63.9mm now and stars nice and round, just a tiny smidge of tilt in the bottom right there but bearable. 

The new additional homemade counterweight worked well with balancing but when checking the subs on ngc 7000 coming in I had to throw at least 8 away with a bit of drift. So I stopped and recalibrated and only did one guide star instead of multistar guiding and everything worked really well. Guiding was consistently 1.1-1.5 sometimes lower and the settle time after a dither was very minimal. So got 1.5 hours worth of subs on ngc 7000 in the end. 

The milky-way was looking great and could make it out, Cassiopea making its way above the rooftops to the north east and scorpius rising just past south looked amazing. Also a really bright object going south to North around 1.22am. When it passed the zenith it went very dim and then disappeared. (very reminiscent like the ISS does when going west to east) strange indeed. 

A good night in the end and no work moro so a bonus very late imaging session. 

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Lee @AstroNebulee, your star issue, I am thinking this is what I am suffering with. if it was tracking, the whole thing would slowly be shifting but it isn't, therefore I am coming to conclusion I have a distance to FF issue.

I was connecting the FF via a 1.25" eyepiece socket and using the same connection attached to the camera. I have now removed this and added a 20mm M42/48 adaptor instead which brings the camera circa 20mm closer to the FF. If this improves my image I will know what the culprit was but I am fairly sure I have a distance issue.

Also if this does work I will replace the spacer with the filter drawer your using, that way I can slide the dual band filter in and out easier. Did yours need a 2" to 1.25" adaptor for your filter?

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14 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Lee @AstroNebulee, your star issue, I am thinking this is what I am suffering with. if it was tracking, the whole thing would slowly be shifting but it isn't, therefore I am coming to conclusion I have a distance to FF issue.

I was connecting the FF via a 1.25" eyepiece socket and using the same connection attached to the camera. I have now removed this and added a 20mm M42/48 adaptor instead which brings the camera circa 20mm closer to the FF. If this improves my image I will know what the culprit was but I am fairly sure I have a distance issue.

Also if this does work I will replace the spacer with the filter drawer your using, that way I can slide the dual band filter in and out easier. Did yours need a 2" to 1.25" adaptor for your filter?

Turns out there is a full guide which came with the FF, box with it in is now in the loft.

Guess where I am going shortly? 🤣

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1 hour ago, bomberbaz said:

Lee @AstroNebulee, your star issue, I am thinking this is what I am suffering with. if it was tracking, the whole thing would slowly be shifting but it isn't, therefore I am coming to conclusion I have a distance to FF issue.

I was connecting the FF via a 1.25" eyepiece socket and using the same connection attached to the camera. I have now removed this and added a 20mm M42/48 adaptor instead which brings the camera circa 20mm closer to the FF. If this improves my image I will know what the culprit was but I am fairly sure I have a distance issue.

Also if this does work I will replace the spacer with the filter drawer your using, that way I can slide the dual band filter in and out easier. Did yours need a 2" to 1.25" adaptor for your filter?

If all your stars are pointing outwards from the center your camera is to close to the FF if the stars are going around the centre of your image then it's to close, see attached image. 

I still have a very slight tilt issue but I think if I add 0.2mm more shim to the imaging train bringing it to 64mm it'll be better, but like I say I'm being really picky now. 

For my set up I use a 2 inch zwo filter drawer as I have a 2 inch astronomik L3 filter 👍

Good luck in the loft finding the FF guide, let us know how you get on. 




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I actually think this could be a collimation issue. If you look at the picture below all the stars are comet shaped, facing top left to bottom right.

I have emailed the vendor about this so will wait what they say.

@AstroNebulee Lee, just have a nosey at this picture for me and tell me what you think, is it the same as yours was?


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12 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

I actually think this could be a collimation issue. If you look at the picture below all the stars are comet shaped, facing top left to bottom right.

I have emailed the vendor about this so will wait what they say.

@AstroNebulee Lee, just have a nosey at this picture for me and tell me what you think, is it the same as yours was?


It's definitely not a backfocus issue as they are all going in the same direction, it could be a collimation issue or coma. Hopefully the vendor can help you with it Steve. I can't remember what exposure time this was now but is it still the same regardless of what exposure time you use. 

Also is your imaging train all screwed together now or are you using any connections with thumbscrews on them as in your image on the first setup. Maybe there's a bit of flexiture of slight off centredness. 

This was my image of M57 taken last week though I've improved the backfocus since then. It's a horrible process as I was just testing so not the finished article. (can't seem to get it to stay rotated like yours for some reason) 

Edit.... just thinking did you have this issue with your current osc and evoguide 50ed, that would rule out the osc for any tilt. 








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Just a very quick first attempt process on last night's data from NGC 7000, 1 hour 24mins of data. Hoping to add the previous few nights data to this and do a full proper process. 

The az gti, 72ed, AAP, 294mc pro and L3 filter doing the business. 

ngc 7000 1-6-22.png

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1 hour ago, bomberbaz said:

I actually think this could be a collimation issue. If you look at the picture below all the stars are comet shaped, facing top left to bottom right.

I have emailed the vendor about this so will wait what they say.

@AstroNebulee Lee, just have a nosey at this picture for me and tell me what you think, is it the same as yours was?


Before trying anything else, ensure there is no movement anywhere in your rig while taking pictures.  If you are dithering, stop for now and take some test shots without dither.  Check that everything is fastened down properly - see if you can find any sort of tiny movement at all by, well, wiggling things in all directions.  Recently I found I could slightly move my AZ Gti on it’s mount and an Allen bolt needed a tiny tighten.  So belt and braces, check everything is hunky dory as tiny movements could cause what you are seeing.  Experiment with different length subs.  Start short (a few seconds) and gradually increase - do you start seeing the issue at a particular length?

Double check focus (not back focus).  If using a Bahtinov mask double and triple check accuracy on a bright star near your target.

If all that checks out, are you seeing this regularly or just a one off (or occasionally).  If not often, seeing conditions might have an impact due to atmospheric turbulence.

If it’s all tight and you’re seeing this result all the time then there may be an issue with the optics (coma/collimation?).  If I remember correctly you’ve only just bought your refractor?  If so perhaps it took a knock in transit or something was a bit off when being set at the factory.

However, first things first, double check for any type of tiny movement anywhere in your rig - from feet to tip - while imaging 👍.

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1 hour ago, AstroNebulee said:

Just a very quick first attempt process on last night's data from NGC 7000, 1 hour 24mins of data. Hoping to add the previous few nights data to this and do a full proper process. 

The az gti, 72ed, AAP, 294mc pro and L3 filter doing the business. 

ngc 7000 1-6-22.png

Highlights on the Cygnus Wall look nice, I bet more data would really bring it out well 🫶.

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1 minute ago, herne said:

Highlights on the Cygnus Wall look nice, I bet more data would really bring it out well 🫶.

Thank you, it was a quick dirty process but I've got more data to add to it from previous nights so will hopefully get round to it this weekend. 👍

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Cheers @herne & @AstroNebulee for the replies. I didn't get this coma when using the old evoguide, but also my time was limited to 120, not that I can see taking it from 120 to 180 would suddenly cause this issue as it is quite severe!

Yes Lee I have removed the 1.25 thumbscrew type eyepiece socket, didn't seem right from the start tbh. It is all now screwed together, (see below)

What I really need to do is a test run with the evoguide and then a test run with the horizen and see what the results are. If evo is good and horizen not, then chances are the horizen, or the light path has a collimation issue.

Then it's seeing if the light path is the issue or not to narrow things down further. Although a quick check today shows the light path connections to be nice and solid.

I will get there but this is a right blag if I am honest. 

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13 hours ago, AstroNebulee said:

The az gti, 72ed, AAP, 294mc pro and L3 filter doing the business.

That's a lovely image and inspired me to have a go at "post processing".  The inverted commas are because I only have GIMP and have no clue what I'm doing.  Quite pleased with the result though when I compare to my first unprocessed image.  Just curious about the blue-ish bottom left quadrant which I can't see in your image.  Is that something that is actually there that you've removed through processing or something not there that I've introduced through my fumbling around in GIMP?


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13 minutes ago, Priesters said:

That's a lovely image and inspired me to have a go at "post processing".  The inverted commas are because I only have GIMP and have no clue what I'm doing.  Quite pleased with the result though when I compare to my first unprocessed image.  Just curious about the blue-ish bottom left quadrant which I can't see in your image.  Is that something that is actually there that you've removed through processing or something not there that I've introduced through my fumbling around in GIMP?


That’s a nice image, you’ve brought the Cygnus Wall out nicely - it almost has a 3D quality about it 👌.

The green tint may well be through processing although it may also be a gradient as it’s more apparent bottom left vs top right.  I don’t know much about GIMP but there are some good tutorials on YouTube.

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2 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

Cheers @herne & @AstroNebulee for the replies. I didn't get this coma when using the old evoguide, but also my time was limited to 120, not that I can see taking it from 120 to 180 would suddenly cause this issue as it is quite severe!

Yes Lee I have removed the 1.25 thumbscrew type eyepiece socket, didn't seem right from the start tbh. It is all now screwed together, (see below)

What I really need to do is a test run with the evoguide and then a test run with the horizen and see what the results are. If evo is good and horizen not, then chances are the horizen, or the light path has a collimation issue.

Then it's seeing if the light path is the issue or not to narrow things down further. Although a quick check today shows the light path connections to be nice and solid.

I will get there but this is a right blag if I am honest. 

That's good you didn't have the issue with the evoguide, that can rule the osc out completely. Screwing the imaging train together will eliminate any flexiture there (can you post the pic of your imaging train). If it was me and you still have the issue with a screwed together imaging train then the horizon is the issue. Strange though as reading the blurb on RVO about it, that it's all tested and collimate to within an inch of its life at RVO headquarters in Rotherham. Hopefully you'll hear back from them soon and sort your issue. 


Keep plugging away at it Steve, it'll be worth it in the end. With my tilt issue in the 294mc pro I was pulling my hair out and very annoyed but now it's just about sorted it's really a big achievement, so keep at it 😊



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2 hours ago, Priesters said:

That's a lovely image and inspired me to have a go at "post processing".  The inverted commas are because I only have GIMP and have no clue what I'm doing.  Quite pleased with the result though when I compare to my first unprocessed image.  Just curious about the blue-ish bottom left quadrant which I can't see in your image.  Is that something that is actually there that you've removed through processing or something not there that I've introduced through my fumbling around in GIMP?


Thank you. Like I say it's just a quick dirty process and will do it properly with more data. 

Gimp is a wonderful piece of software and hardly any different to photoshop at all. I only use photoshop Cs4 so not a new one. Mainly levels, curves and selective colours and highlights. Then use make stars smaller with astronomy tools plug in. Then starnett 2 to stretch with curves and levels on the nebula alone. Then merge back in with original. 

I did notice the slight different tinge in colour in the bottom left on mine and just brought the curves down slightly on the background. So it's not something you've processed in 👍



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6 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Like I say it's just a quick dirty process and will do it properly with more data.

Looking forward to seeing your final version.  When I get a bit more time in my life I’ll definitely have to learn the post processing bit.  My version looks like a child’s crayon drawing compared to your lovely water colour 😂😂😂

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5 minutes ago, Priesters said:

Looking forward to seeing your final version.  When I get a bit more time in my life I’ll definitely have to learn the post processing bit.  My version looks like a child’s crayon drawing compared to your lovely water colour 😂😂😂

Your image is stunning 😍, and if you've just started processing then your final images will be amazing. I just faff my way through but slowly learning how to do it better, thank you for your kind words 👍

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29 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Here you go Lee, looks ok to me though!



Yep looks all ok to me too. Nicely screwed together so no chance of flexing on the imaging train. 

Is the focuser tube nice and solid and no wobble or play? 

Maybe if you have a laser collimator and a simple paper mask for the aperture you could put the collimator in the focus tube and check the beam is hitting the centre of the glass? 🤔

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