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Better than Mars Colonization in many aspects.

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The atmospheres of the "outer" planets are also a possibility. (Jupiter has
too great a magnetic field and Radiation!) But beyond that?!? Mind you,
if you spring a leak of Oxygen-rich into lots of Hydrogen... Methane? 🙃

The "relativity" of flames / burning is always an interesting thought... 🤔
https://youtu.be/8jmX-TUQkx4  (Oxygen burning in Propane)


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It would seems to be quite possible to have fly/float around, in the Venusian Astmosphere
for an indefinite time. No shortage of sunlight (direct AND reflected) at 45-60km. The acid
problems could be addressed. But ultimately it's the anhydrous nature - Lack of water, that
precludes (potential local!) life that becomes a problem? Venus "has the oxygen" (as CO2)
but little ("ppm") hydrogen (ex original water). We'd have to take ALL our own Water? 😏

If the locals can't hack it, neither can we (long term)?

But the idea of atmospheric Venusian "Rovers" (analogous to Martian) caught my eye. 🙃

Interesting thoughts though! Ultimately it is the radiation levels
that rule out quite a LOT of *other* solar system planets/moons? 😐

P.S. Ah Yes - Martian Caves! Shelters from RADs?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_lava_tube 😎

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  • 1 month later...

If mr musk came knocking at your door & said we want you to be the first human to step foot on another world. we think the chances of making the journy across an ocean of space to then plummet through an atmosphere that will barely slow you down & finally relying on engines, that have sat dormant since they were test fired, to slow you down to a few feet per second for a touch down are 5 maybe 10% at best.. Would you go! Knowing full well the chances of returning safely to the earth are less than the outbound journey? 


For me, personally.. Where do i sign. 


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On 11/10/2021 at 20:48, Deep Sciences said:

Mars colonization is always found to be at the top of the list of space colonization but Venus colonization is actually better in many aspects.


Some pretty worthy satellites worth thinking about too. 

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  • 6 months later...

re: Mars .. I can't see the human race ever being able to make a go of it on a planet sized desert with no atmosphere (1% earth pressure is still basically vacuum) to slow down and burn up 100's of incoming meteorites every day before reaching the ground and no useful magnetic field to provide much needed protection from the sun's radiation when we can't even take care of a ready made paradise perfect for life as we know it here on earth !

re: Venus .. A 400C oven with a level of sulphuric acid / carbon dioxide pressure that means parachutes are not required to land (you float slow enough down to the ground to remain in one piece).

You have to be realist with such matters.

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I am in favor of people living on Mars. Not necessarily some kind of low-g wild west boomtown, but at least starting with scientific research bases would be pretty cool.

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One of my favourite quotes comes to mind   "Beautiful ! Beautiful ! Magnificent desolation"  Buzz Aldrin .   Followed by another favoured quote "There is nothing in the desert and no man needs nothing" Prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia.   The good green beautiful Earth is enough for me. I can't see any reason to attempt to live in a place that is actively seeking to kill me at every moment. 


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Eggs. Basket.

We should be looking to plant self sustaining colonies / outposts everywhere we can. Too many things (And not all man-made) that can wipe us out here.

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3 minutes ago, Ags said:

My kingdom for an uninhabited M-class planet, a functioning replicator, and an Emergency Medical Hologram.

Me too and a female Borg for company would be nice 😀


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The idea of us spreading out to other planets esp outside our own solar system  is both interesting but also terrifying. We've made a total mess of our own planet and to consider stripping it further of resources to deliver such an enterprise seems foolhardy, at least until we find a way to stabilise what we have and then find sustainable ways to launch out to explore elsewhere.

Then you add in the issue of how to sustain ourselves on other worlds. The scientific consideration of taking seed stock from our planet to then farm on another seems like arrogance and madness to me. So rather than find ways to utilise what is native on another world, we introduce plant/animal species  (likely GM'd) from here and aggressively farm them, likely causing damage to the pristine eco-system of said planet?

Sure, you'd hope that we're learning from our mistakes here, but on a new world it'll be a case of survival which could well spiral into a wild west attitude where we toss those lessons aside to do what's easiest. I can see us repeating our own history, destroying alien species into extinction and ultimately ending up with a new world that is as broken as our home planet has become 😞 

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Terraforming Mars into an Earthlike planet is basically a pipedream with little base in reality. Doesn't mean we couldn't live there, like in underground cities for example. But a full terraform of the surface is not gonna happen.


Human travel to other solar systems is so far into sci-fi territory with today's technology or even tomorrows imaginable technology that i dont think its reasonable to think that will happen in a long time (1000+ years at least). We will definitely destroy our own planet first and if we can fix it we can sort of start thinking about fixing other planets. If we cant fix the one planet that we have evolved to live perfectly on, we definitely cant even dream of surviving in another.

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I can almost see a time when that flick Independence Day comes true, only it'll be us as the invading species having stripped our own world of resources and turning to others to do the same 😉 

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As they say, "life finds a way".  If it can't, then hence Mars, Venus, Mercury and the rest of them.

This would be by far a much more desirable thing to achieve (or not, depending on what we'd really find) ..



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I very much doubt whether Mars has any kind of an ecosystem to trash, but we should be very careful not to damage any life that might be there.

And there is no need or point in strip mining Earth to build deep-space ships when it's far easier to get all the materials we need from the Moon, or use the Martian regolith for building.

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6 hours ago, DaveL59 said:

I can almost see a time when that flick Independence Day comes true, only it'll be us as the invading species having stripped our own world of resources and turning to others to do the same 😉 

mmmm, a species wanting to spread throughout the galaxy like a virus does not sound like a very nice or intelligent thing to be doing. Lets hope the human race is stopped before we do irreparable harm to other life bearing planets.

It's comforting to think that if we ever did physically enter another planets biosphere containing life that their pathogens would literally stop us dead, unfortunately our pathogens would do the same to them :(  mixing lifeforms between different planetary biospheres cannot work, we should have learnt that from our experiences within our own biosphere in years gone by (the colonising centuries).

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While I don't begrudge anyone for 'dreaming big', I personally don't think we will manage to successfully colonize another planet/moon; at least not one in our own solar system. Maybe many centuries into the future a new technology might afford us interstellar travel to a more favourable environment, but right now, there are areas of this planet which are uninhabited due to unfavourable conditions for supporting human life - if we can't even thrive in the most extreme conditions on Earth, practical paradises in comparison to conditions elsewhere in the solar system, what chance do we really have on another planet? 

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