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Hello all,


I'm new here. obviously.  I'm trying to get more into astronomy.  While my degree is in Space Sciences, I never wandered too far down the path of astronomy much.  I'm looking to fix that.  While I'm usually great at research beforehand, it seems I impulsively bought a telescope this time without reading enough.  I have a Celestron Explorascope 80AZ.  I've used it a handful of times between the moon, planets, a couple double stars, and one fuzzy bit which definitely wasn't the Andromeda Galaxy I was trying to look at. It's lead to other purchases down the rabbit hole -- all basic stuff though -- filters and such.  My issue right now is it's shaky...shakier than California even with basic adjustments like focusing.  I know some of it is just learning to use a gentle hand and sticking with lower power though.  I'm hoping this is something that can be fixed simply and not basically at the cost of another (hopefully better) telescope.  Looking forward to what I can learn here!

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Hello Sean and welcome to the site 👍 Enjoy your telescope, as for the shaky mount, one of the things you will find as you look around is that just about everyone will say that the mount is more important than the telescope if only to minimise the shaking. Have a look around and don't be concerned about asking any questions.

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Hello Sean - it does look inherently flimsy/wobbly.  You could try putting something weighty on the tray, or hanging something from it.  Otherwise, stick to lower power!  

You should see quite a lot with it though.  I started off with a 70mm.


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1 hour ago, SeanP77 said:

...shakier than California 



Welcome, those  spur of the minute bargains can turn out to be quite expensive in the long run  :evil4:

I's agree that step 1 to reduce the 'quakes would be to do something about the tripod ... extra weight might help, but those legs look pretty flimsy ... if they extend, but could be used unextended, try that, and observe sitting down , or try standing the tripod (legs unextended) on a sturdy table. Maybe the legs could be stiffened a bit , or even replaced with wood ? If you are handy, there are plans around for wooden tripods like this https://www.eyesonthesky.com/tutorials/1x3-tripod/  or maybe you could find a way to fix the head (or even just the telescope tube) to a sturdier photo tripod ?


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I added a long cable tie to my focuser. Run your finger up or down the tie for largely shake free fine focus adjustment.  Slips on and off easily for repositioning.


Not sure if it will work with your focuser?  Worth trying though.

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Welcome 'down the Rabbit Hole'. My current telescope mount is about 3 times the cost of my scope, and that stability is useful for imaging, and for sharing the universe with the grandchildren who inevitably grab hold of the scope messing up that carefull allignment.

When I think back to my first scope & mount it was probably worse than yours, But when I added a webcam & took some images of Saturns rings and Jupiters moon system it was so exciting & the family were amazed by the results!

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Welcome aboard SGL. Good to have you with us.

I'm another one who started with a small scope like that 20 odd years ago. With a bit of care and modest expectations, I managed to see quite a lot of cool stuff in my first year. Don't write off your scope just yet, it's a lot better than Galileo had, and he did quite well for himself.

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