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JWST model -scale 1:7-


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8 minutes ago, Chriske said:

I've seen it. Pity it was only now it was released...🙄 It would have been a great help during building that thing.

Yeah, I agree! It would have helped you a lot!

Anyway, your project is stunning as it is. 💯

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Problem during this project was to know what pictures or drawings on the net were the most recent. There were(and still are) even drawings not even close resembling the final product.

Anyway, I'm pleased with the result as it is.
Thanks to you all guys for the (many) kind words...😉

Its now resting on a table, but next week after the real JWST is launched, it will find it's place along side HST already hanging in our planetarium 3m high.


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1 hour ago, Chriske said:

Big question now... What if...?
What if JWST does not work properly, or not at all, or something goes wrong during launch...
We end up with that model... What do we do with it...?
Hang it up anyway or disassemble ....?

Hang it up anyway. 

Space exploration and science is sometimes as much about the things that went wrong as it is about the successes. Your JWST would be a tremendous monument to mans insatiable curiosity.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Our JWST has almost arrived at it's final destiny...Still a few items to install, solarpanels, Mylar solarscreen, stabilising unit, cooling radiators, antenna,...
These items will be added early next week

 It will be fully 'operational' by end next week.

Edited by Chriske
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1 hour ago, Chriske said:

Tomorrow after finishing JWST I'll give HST a "firm rub" with my feather duster ....

Maybe Yvette would do that for me instead...😁

Will that count as SM5 (Service mission 5)? 😉. Hope you won’t need a shuttle to get there, or you might have to build one! 🤣

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During launch of JWST Christmas last, one of the NASA speakers said : That this will be the last time we would see JWST ever again...

Well not exactly true. Yesterday one of the members of our local observatory Urania made a few shots of JWST.  While speeding toward L2 at 0.35km/s it looks like this... Barely visible at magnitude 16...
Tom Alderweireldt did a great job here, I'm most impressed...!...😳


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