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Markkarian's chain in the 66.


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After getting the Flaming star in the first part of the night I needed a target for the 66 and thought of this. Any ideas for good large nebulae for tonight at the same time? It's the spring sky and really a time for long focal lengths...


Oh, this is 100mns Lum and 30 mins per colour binned.


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Nicely done Olly...

Its been so long since I saw a clar sky I have been re-orienting myself with Stellarium... Another few weeks and M42 will be lost to me and as it is I am going to be popular by turning off the central heating as soon as i get home to get an hour or so in...


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Great shot Olly. Nice to see the fuzzy edges of those. I have been doing something on this myself, but the skies have been terrible.

Is this a crop? I only ask becasue I get a much wider fov than this even with the wo72?

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Great shot Olly. Nice to see the fuzzy edges of those. I have been doing something on this myself, but the skies have been terrible.

Is this a crop? I only ask becasue I get a much wider fov than this even with the wo72?

A very slight crop, yes. I don't think you'd have any trouble getting this composition in your scope, though.


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No, thats what I mean Olly, the WO72 gives quite a bit more than this. Are you using a focal reducer?

Here's the view I get, excuse the quality of the pic, its just a 20 min FIT through hazy cloud. I would have imagined the 66 gave even more than this though?


Tim, this was taken with a Atik 16HR so it's going to be a lot smaller FOV as opposed to your DSLR/QHY8



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o i c.

Dunno why I keep forgetting that chip size makes such a big difference. I think maybe because it's got maths in it :(

Thanks for explaining Kevin. So the 66 with a dslr on would get an even wider view still???

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A WO66 with a DSLR would have an ENORMOUS field. I've just been looking at the Flaming Star and IC410 in a single field on a French forum and that was with an ED80. On the 16HR chip you get only the Flaming star. I have done terrestrial stuff with my DSLR-66 but nothing on the sky yet.

It should be sharp to the corners with the dedicated flattener reducer. Without it I think it would be hopeless with a big chip. The field curvature on the unreduced scope is huge. You can see it visually; a phone mast bends into a banana when you put it to the edge of the eyepice field.


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I think the flattener I have for the 72 is the same as for the 66.

Is there any way of working out visually what area of sky could be covered with a 66/dslr? Say if orions belt/altinak was at the far left of the image, how far towards m42 could be reached?


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