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Astronomy or Astronomy Now.


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Going on from my ‘find’ that I can access these online through my local library, ( correction, I can get Astronomy and Sky at Night plus some specials) some googling suggested that Astronomy was a UK Mag release.  Opened a version (attached) to find adverts in there in $.  Is it UK or from over the pond? Time will tell which I find most interesting or useful as a novice but at least I have the choice.  
So,  am I also right in saying that the 2 listed in the title are also totally different publications? 


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I always thought that Astronomy was an American publication and not a big seller in the UK. Astronomy Now is my favourite magazine. Not so fond of Sky At Night magazine in comparison, has the occasional decent How To.

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I'm personally not keen on most Astronomy magazines, they seem either very simplistic, aimed at newbies, or imaging, or pondering the latest Astro physics theories. I suppose they have to appeal to all ends of the spectrum (no pun intended) in order to get volumes up.

In particular I find scope reviews on Sky at Night magazine to be incredibly superficial, especially for items costing large sums of money..I'd far rather check out real owners opinions, here on SGL, and delve into good reference books in the areas I'm interested in, such as double stars..


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I am too personally not keen Astronomy Now and BBC Sky at Night. They used to be good reads.
One magazine I do avoid is All About Space.

Astronomy is OK... but tend to prefer Sky &Telescope. 

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Astronomy Now is a UK magazine and I take it I find it ok. Much better than Sky at Night. Not heard of Astronomy so do not know where it has its origins.

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I wouldn't worry too much about whether it is a US or UK magazine as such. We look at the same sky, we are a few hours ahead of 'them over the pond'.

Once you have gotten used to the language differences and labored over strange spelling it is OK. Don't forget they sometimes use different words for certain colors.
I once was identifying wires for a USA customer, one wire was violet. He asked what color that was.🤨
Don't take a torch out to risk ruing your dark adapted eyes. Maybe just a flashlight.🤣
If you go to a dark site you unpack your scope from the trunk and lay out your charts on the hood.

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It is expensive but my posted overseas subscription to Sky and Telescope is worth it as I will read more than 85%* of every edition (and it is well written and worth keeping as they reference back to older related articles). You can subscribe to online only too.

* I skip the imaging and processing stuff.

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