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Getting ready to order a goto mount.

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Okay, right now I'm being patient.

I know it's way out of stock, so it will be a wait, but that's okay. I'm waiting for last years tax paper work to go through.

 I know an EQ6 pro will be over kill for my 8" reflector but this will most likely be my only mount so I'd rather go a bit over.

Tell me the pros and cons.

Oh yeah,  I might be patient, but really I can't wait to push that order item button!

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I think an eq6 is not really an “over”mount for an 8” newtonian.   I had a short 8” quattro on a heq5 but it was on the edge.  So maybe an heq5 but i would definitely go for the eq6.  You must be able to carry a bit heavier set all together, but transport it seperate and it will be doable. What model are you aiming for?  Normal eq6/eq6r/azeq6.  Its somewhere between £1250 and £1700.  I went for the azeq6 because im a bit in love with that mount but also because it has the option to use it in alt az mode and dual load option. You basically combine a normal eq6 with a Rowan az100 for example.   But with goto😉.  

Anyway, the 6 series is much more a real mount and possible future proof.   


Edited by Robindonne
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Is this for viewing or imaging ?  If viewing then you may be able to get away with an HEQ5... 

But if you intend to go the imaging route, then double you payload allowance, to account for guider, cameras, focusers, filter-wheels etc. which would then point to an EQ6Pro, or as recommended by Ermelo, an AZEQ6, which is what I use.

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I use the same for observing only, it’s not overkill, it’s a good solid mount with a good accurate GoTo and will future proof you for any other purchases.

Cons: It is VERY heavy and can take some time setting up and taking down so it’s not very in/out of the house friendly. I leave mine set up outside for months at a time under a TG 365 cover (no issues). You really need to consider this because if you are setting up and taking down every night, it may discourage you from going out as often 

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Mostly observing but some imaging. I wont fool myself that I could put forth the effort so many here do.

Unless I hit the lotto, this will probably be my only mount.

Over here the EQ6 R pro goes for $1595

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I would agree with what has been said. I have an HEQ5 and AZ-EQ6 and the larger mount is definitely better suited for an 8" scope. Have you considered the AZ-EQ6 as an option? Similar size to the EQ6 but has the benefit of AZ use which I prefer for visual, especially with the newtonian. I am a bit old for ladders and contortionist tricks to look through the eyepiece😄

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EQ6 is definitely not overkill, such scopes like the 8" are much better suited to EQ6 class mounts. I have an 8" newtonian that I use with my HEQ5, tracking's fine, with guiding I usually do 4min subs, now I would have gotten an EQ6 but there were no stock and HEQ5 is great for travel too. It's always better to get a better mount if you have the money, I had the money but I was getting impatient and I don't regret my decision given that besides using the 8" newtonian I'll be using other scopes and telephoto lenses such as 135mm which really is just so easy, I just mount the camera and the 135mm and easily do 3-4 min subs without guiding.

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20 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

Mostly observing but some imaging. I wont fool myself that I could put forth the effort so many here do.

Unless I hit the lotto, this will probably be my only mount.

Over here the EQ6 R pro goes for $1595


I feel that the EQ6-R is a very good mount, if you don't require AltAz operation. Else, your best bet would be the AZEQ6 mount.

I own a HEQ5 (bought used) and it's struggling to keep steady scopes like the C9.25 and the Skymax 180 when touching them for focusing (never mind for DSO imaging)



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