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Takahashi FC-100 and FC-76 advice

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15 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Excellent, let me know how you find it, whether the feel on the big focuser knob feels right to you, as per decent aftermarket focusers.

I think your DCU has the smaller focuser with the 35mm travel, how are you finding that and are you using any 2" EPs?



Will do. I did also buy a replacement “large” micro focuser knob too, but not sure that will be staying.

So far no issues at all using any of my 1.25” eyepieces (which are the primary use for this scope)... XWs, Panoptics, TV 3-6 Zoom, Ultima Plossls and Masuyama 16mm (not really for this scope due to FC, but does focus.

Have yet to try any 2” XW or any of my Ethos, but have taken delivery of a Baader 2” BBHS mirror diagonal today, so will give them a go.

It does require a certain amount of extension, but with T2 rings, I’ve got the focuser where it gives me good travel either side of the normal focusing spot for most eyepieces, and none require extension ring changes (yet), although Delos might do.

Although I could have used the Tak supplied adaptors, I’ve got mine setup like this currently (photo).




Edited by HollyHound
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7 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

I have been fantasising about using an FC-60 as a super finder/widefield scope alongside an FC100 - please let me know how you find it in use!

Surely your 76DCU can go on hols with you - or do you mean to take both 76 and 60? I know I would...

Will do.

Yes I went for the FC-76DCU as the tube splits and will pack small, however I’m thinking about something even smaller that I can just have with me on a trip, taking very little room indeed. Of course need to think about tiny mount/tripod now too 🤔

Primary reason is that I always love my widefield binocular views but find it bit awkward any higher than 30/40 degrees (even on a tripod), so the FC-60 could fill that niche. Like to try some simple imaging too, so have Flattener and camera adaptors arriving for it too.

Good luck with your hunt... sounds like one of these little beauties will be in your future too 😃

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9 minutes ago, HollyHound said:


It does require a certain amount of extension, but with T2 rings, I’ve got the focuser where it gives me good travel either side of the normal focusing spot for most eyepieces, and none require extension ring changes (yet), although Delos might do.

Although I could have used the Tak supplied adaptors, I’ve got mine setup like this currently (photo).




Ah very useful info!  So instead of buying the Tak 2" visual back you bought a Baader Clicklock which will allow you to use a 2" diagonal?  Looks like you'd have enough travel for binoviewers with a 1.25" diag maybe?

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9 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Ah very useful info!  So instead of buying the Tak 2" visual back you bought a Baader Clicklock which will allow you to use a 2" diagonal?  Looks like you'd have enough travel for binoviewers with a 1.25" diag maybe?

Yes, I have Clicklock on everything, so made sense.

I intend to try my binoviewer on this very setup, as the Baader 1.25” prism has very short optical path and I do have a fair amount of extension to play with. Still intend to keep this scope as simple and lightweight as possible though, but binoviewer option would be good 👍

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Right so having spoken to Ian at FLO (the legendary Ian King I presume?), I reckon the FC100 DC would actually fit the bill - I could run 2" EPs off the back using either a Tak 2" VB or a Baader clicklock.  Apparently, you can also remove a ring from between the focuser and the tube, bringing the light path down a bit for binoviewing - there's a thread here on SGL explaining how.

However, a re-think is in progress.  

I have no grab and go scopes smaller than my 115 triplet and CC6".  The Triplet is 6.2 Kg without diagonal and EP, is too much for a photo tripod, and has a long cool down for high powers, which are the reasons for considering a Tak doublet. 

Now, the FC100 despite it's low weight is actually longer with it's dew shield screwed on (81.5cm) than the 115 triplet (which is about 80cm unretracted, 62 cm dew shield retracted).  That's not ideal for standing set up in my living room (which is what the 115 and CC6 do).

The only time I would be totally limited to using the Tak on it's own would likely be air flights.  That's when big aperture would be most missed, but that's only once every two to three years.  I am now wondering whether I should, as some of you have suggested, keep the 115 triplet and get a Tak 76DCU.

The 76DCU could easily go on airflights.  

It could be taken on car journeys/holidays in a rucksack, along with the 115 triplet on the parcel shelf, both mounted on the Mini Giro Ercole.  The Tak could be used immediately for low power wide field whilst the triplet cools for high power.

It could also be run at home next to the 6" CC, with the 76DCU giving wide fields whilst the CC6 gives aperture for planets and DSOs.

I could also just run outside the house with the 76 on a photo tripod to catch viewing angles which are obstructed from my gardens.  

The aperture would definitely be lacking, but the portability would be better than my 4.5Kg ED80 triplet, which I've now sold.  I do have other scopes for the aperture.  Really most of the use would be wide field.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Commanderfish
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7 hours ago, Commanderfish said:

It could also be run at home next to the 6" CC, with the 76DCU giving wide fields whilst the CC6 gives aperture for planets and DSOs.

This is exactly my thinking too, my 6” CC on the AZ100 is perfect for lunar/planetary detail viewing, 10” dob for DSOs and the Taks for wide field, imaging, grab and go and holiday/travel or just trekking to fields around us that have different views of the sky👍

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I’d go for the FC 100 _unless_ I viewed regular air travel as a likelihood. In which case I’d go for the FC 76 DCU. 

But as I’ve said before, if you are not doing much travel then I don’t really see a significant advantage of the FC 100 over the triplet you already have, other than weight. Unless you desire ownership of a Tak - which is a symptom of that well know malady called Takitis 😊

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1 hour ago, JeremyS said:

But as I’ve said before, if you are not doing much travel then I don’t really see a significant advantage of the FC 100 over the triplet you already have, other than weight.

The weight is an issue, yes. A Tak doublet would also cool quicker. But you're right in that it wouldn't have a viewing advantage over a 115 triplet. Also the FC100 is actually longer than the Triplet when not in use, and I don't have a small grab and go and I would like a Tak... Hence the suitability of the FC76 for wide field alongside the CC6 for aperture.

But the FC100 would be great for general viewing on its own on a phototripod...

Oh I don't know!!

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I found my Tak better than the Astrotech 106mm triplet I had before it for planetary detail, and I had considered that an excellent scope before having the Tak. Worth comparing both if you don’t have to sell the other first.

76 vs 100 is a tricky one, they are both lovely scopes. For me the 100 has enough of a resolution benefit to be worth making the effort to take away with me, but 76 will give that bit wider fields of view if that is most important to you, as well as being a bit more portable.

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1 hour ago, Stu said:


76 vs 100 is a tricky one, they are both lovely scopes. For me the 100 has enough of a resolution benefit to be worth making the effort to take away with me, but 76 will give that bit wider fields of view if that is most important to you, as well as being a bit more portable.

Very useful Stu. Because I have the CCs, most of the time planetary would be through those. But wide fields would be a common target as would big DSOs. Would the 100 provided a significantly richer field? Probably. It would also provide more light grasp for DSOs. I just wish the dew shield retracted without having to spend almost £3k!!!

Stu, how easy is it to remove the dewshield? Is it something you could screw on at the beginning or each session without spoiling the cosmetic or mechanical finish?

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You wouldn't gain much by unscrewing the DC dew shield, just 3 inches. The FC100D series only have a 95 mm tube diameter because the beautiful lens cell is housed entirely within the dewshield. The DC is a seriously sweet, lightweight refractor.


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@Commanderfish , if you only use the 76mm Tak for widefields , then why not get a good 72mm fpl-53 triplet ? I believe the tak and the triplet would be indistinguishable in wide fields . Where the Tak comes up victoriously is in high power planetary/lunar and double stars . But I see your mild case of takitis 🤣 .

Edited by Voyager 3
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9 hours ago, Commanderfish said:

Stu, how easy is it to remove the dewshield? Is it something you could screw on at the beginning or each session without spoiling the cosmetic or mechanical finish?

Easy enough to unscrew Dinesh, just some care needed not to cross thread it when putting back on. As Mike says though, not huge amounts to be gained and I only remove mine when taking it away. It fits in the centre of a Thinktank Airport Accelerator with dewshield and focuser removed.

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7 hours ago, Voyager 3 said:

@Commanderfish , if you only use the 76mm Tak for widefields , then why not get a good 72mm fpl-53 triplet ? I believe the tak and the triplet would be indistinguishable in wide fields . Where the Tak comes up victoriously is in high power planetary/lunar and double stars . But I see your mild case of takitis 🤣 .

Good idea, but i want something lighter and with faster cool down than a triplet, hence thinking about a Flourite Doublet. I have had an ED80 Triplet before, it was very good but heavy.

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Has anyone got 1.5" travel on their Tak FC focuser drawtube, for instance from the shorter Feathertouch FTF 2015, and is it enough travel to bring your 2" Eyepieces to focus (Ethos, ES 82?) I know some of you have the FTF 2025 with 2.5" travel which seems ample. I gather the stock DC focuser is only 1" travel so the FTF 2015 would be a small improvement but not sure if it's enough?

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10 minutes ago, Commanderfish said:

Has anyone got 1.5" travel on their Tak FC focuser drawtube, for instance from the shorter Feathertouch FTF 2015, and is it enough travel to bring your 2" Eyepieces to focus (Ethos, ES 82?) I know some of you have the FTF 2025 with 2.5" travel which seems ample. I gather the stock DC focuser is only 1" travel so the FTF 2015 would be a small improvement but not sure if it's enough?

Both my Taks (FS-60CB and FC-76DCU) have exactly 30mm (1.2”) of drawtube travel.

I finally got round to trying the new 2” T2 BBHS mirror diagonal last night (very quick with a few visible stars), and confirmed that I can easily focus my XW30 (2”) along with a range of the same 1.25” eyepieces I was using with the 1.25” T2 prism arrangement. 

In both cases, I’ve set extension rings to give me approximately equal focus travel either side of the average eyepiece focus position 👍

Both setups shown in the photos... not sure which will live on which Tak yet 🤔



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Like Stu, I’ve taken my FC-100DC abroad on flights a few times after removing its focuser, Tak ‘spacer’ section, and dew shield. I leave the spacer off the scope permanently now as I do so much binoviewing. Using purely T2 adapters, diagonals and clicklocks, you can pretty much reach focus with any set up. Only caveat is that these scopes aren’t massively robust, so packing them into cabin baggage requires care. But the rewards are worth it. Pic shows scope without spacer.


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43 minutes ago, Highburymark said:

Like Stu, I’ve taken my FC-100DC abroad on flights a few times after removing its focuser, Tak ‘spacer’ section, and dew shield. I leave the spacer off the scope permanently now as I do so much binoviewing. Using purely T2 adapters, diagonals and clicklocks, you can pretty much reach focus with any set up. Only caveat is that these scopes aren’t massively robust, so packing them into cabin baggage requires care. But the rewards are worth it. Pic shows scope without spacer.


Mark, which adapter is that on your Feathertouch? It looks silver, but the Starlight ones appear black on the FLO website.

PS, I mentioned to Ian that the Feathertouch focusers are scandalously expensive and I *think* the price just dropped £45... Could be wrong

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1 hour ago, Commanderfish said:

Mark, which adapter is that on your Feathertouch? It looks silver, but the Starlight ones appear black on the FLO website.

PS, I mentioned to Ian that the Feathertouch focusers are scandalously expensive and I *think* the price just dropped £45... Could be wrong

It’s an FT2025. The silver ring is actually part of the scope. The focuser is attached with the standard FT adapter which is partly hidden on the pic. You’re right about Feathertouch pricing - they went up substantially about 12-18 months ago. But they are superb. Not necessary for normal use, I’d say, but a great upgrade if you’re using heavy cameras or binoviewers.

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