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I suspect it’s been really really cloudy!!

Jiggy 67

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Just looking at the observing section of forum and, at the time of writing, there hasn’t been a post for 1 day, apart from one 18 hours ago in the binocular section. Is this a bi-product of our appalling, and worsening weather?? Global warming models predict wetter  weather in the UK, which obviously means more clouds. It appears that the evidence may be becoming obvious ☹️

Edited by Jiggy 67
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It's been pretty bad this winter, it may go down as another of the wettest on record. Here on the Thames floodplain it looks like we are on the edge of the sea already.

Having said that I managed to get up at 3am this morning for a forecasted gap in the clouds. It was clear for about an hour, I looked at some old favourite galaxies with a 6inch Newt. I had one of my best views from home of M51 which was near the zenith. A small benefit of clouds is that if there is  gap  of clear sky the rest of them block the light pollution :)

Edited by Nik271
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There were several clear spells around Christmas and New Year, but unfortunately I was still feeling rough after my Christmas week guest appearance at the local hospital.

Last weekend was good. Two nights in a row and a few days before that two nights together.

Britain has long had a reputation for changeable wet weather so maybe we're all looking at the past through rose tinted glasses?

More concerning to me is the light pollution on those few clear nights. With the number of lights at night you would think electricity was free...


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I was a newbie here back in November ish - and guess what - I still am! I think I've had five nights out with a scope. Last night started clear and clouded over before it was properly dark. Tonight's looking the same. Not helpful to try and build experience but it certainly builds frustration. I'd be delighted to add reports if I had anything to report on.

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There’s no denying that for many months here in the North West the weather has been very trying. There are five major weather systems that converge over the British Isles, so there are good years and bad years.

The North West occupies the shear zone, where warmer air from the south battles with colder air in the North. Hence the turbulent weather conditions.

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Currently have little to say, constant wet, windy conditions with a storm emerging, travel restrictions for dark sky trips, winter is passing by. Some good Lunar observing prior to that, as seems always the case with a waxing moon.

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From data I've seen, it's water vapour in the atmosphere that generates warming, which may or may not change (largely unpredictable) weather and climate patterns.  I find it interesting to note that almost all predictions and computer models produced over the years have proven to be inaccurate when it comes to climate science, there are just too many variables (if a butterfly farts, does it rain in the next country?)

So, take that however you like, my conclusion from it is that climates change constantly, and with one as complex as the one on earth we just have to get used to it, especially in a temperate zone.  Also, the primary thing that drives or affects the climate on Earth is the Sun.

I lived in Preston for a few years, always felt like it rained a lot more there than in the East, but we do seem to have had a lot of rain recently all over the place in the UK.


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