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Hi all,

Stunningly clear looking sky here tonight. I am debating setting up the scope. However the fireworks are going off all over the shop now. I expect it is going to be like this for the next few days now. What are your thoughts on observing with fire work smoke filling the air.


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can be a bit of a drag with big flashes affecting night vision if in the FoV. For me tho more of a stress with the kitties who run in scared and wanting attention. Doubt I'll be doing much at the mo tho with one just having had an eye op today so have to keep him inside. Sneaky little chap has decided to camp in the conservatory so if I want to pop out for a smoke or with the scope he'll be on the starting grid ready to try escaping.

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I'm sure someone on here keeps weather records but I'm fairly certain that for the past few years the Autumn has been quite poor followed by a good clear spell around November 5th with all the flashes and smoke that goes with it.Β 

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I was looking at clear sky app and various others I use. I see plenty of clear sky for the next few nights. Right I think to myself, time to put all the recent testing of the ASIAIR, guide scope, polar aligning using the guide scope etc.. into practice. Then it suddenly dawned on me, maybe not the best time to be out with all the fireworks going off. So I think I will wait until the weekend is over. Probably be a few weeks of cloud then :)

Edited by Chefgage
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I’ll take any opportunity with the weather we’ve had recently so when my weather apps said clear skies tonight I set up ready to go. The sky was clear until dark and then it clouded over!!! Leaving everything soaked through with dew!!.... so I packed up after waiting a couple of hours.Β No observing, I might as well have just thrown all my kit in the bath!! and packed it away again.....πŸ˜‚ I love this hobby!

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53 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

I’ll take any opportunity with the weather we’ve had recently so when my weather apps said clear skies tonight I set up ready to go. The sky was clear until dark and then it clouded over!!! Leaving everything soaked through with dew!!.... so I packed up after waiting a couple of hours.Β No observing, I might as well have just thrown all my kit in the bath!! and packed it away again.....πŸ˜‚ I love this hobby!

Have you had much chance to use your Morpheus range Jiggy? If so how are you finding them? Any particular favourite. I have the 6.5,9 and 14mm still debating which to get next πŸ€”

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4 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Have you had much chance to use your Morpheus range Jiggy? If so how are you finding them? Any particular favourite. I have the 6.5,9 and 14mm still debating which to get next πŸ€”

Hey Baz, I’ve been watching your posts on the Morpheus. I love them, the only one I haven’t used much yet is the 4.5, I have a Vixen 4mm which I think does a better job on planets etc but the jury is still out at the moment. I actually like the 6.5 on planets, looking at Jupiter with 4 moons in the fov was excellent.Β 
I’m not able to compare them with other high end wide field ep’s as I haven’t used them and I haven’t got the knowledge but I’m really pleased with the MorpheusΒ 

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Well, the sky was fairly clear about an hour ago, I set up the 12" dob to view the gas giants but conditions were very poor! It was like looking at them through water.

Now the cloud has rolled in aswell covering most of the sky and to top it of its now time for the fireworks again.

That's the end of this session. As it's Saturday tomorrow I might try to get out at 4am to view orion. Conditions have looked pretty clear in the early hours recently.

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On 04/11/2020 at 21:20, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Have you had much chance to use your Morpheus range Jiggy? If so how are you finding them? Any particular favourite. I have the 6.5,9 and 14mm still debating which to get next πŸ€”

Hi Baz,

I have used 9, 12.5, 14, and 17.5mm. I felt the 12.5mm and 17.5mm to be the best and I currently have a pair of 17.5mm for binoviewing.

Other than for OCD reasons of getting a full set, I would t have both the 12.5mm and the 14mm, they are to close together..I like the gap between 12.5 and 17.5, personally.

I haven't tried the 4.5mm or 6.5mm as yet. Of course, YMMV, as our US friends would say..πŸ€”πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š.

Oh, and regarding Fireworks night, I personally wouldn't go out if there were bonfires burning, as I wouldn't want ash debris floating onto my objective or mirror! We are fortunate in our village that very few people have young kids, and most do have a pet dog or cat, so very limited appetite for wretched Fireworks..



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On 04/11/2020 at 19:11, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Hi all,

Stunningly clear looking sky here tonight. I am debating setting up the scope. However the fireworks are going off all over the shop now. I expect it is going to be like this for the next few days now. What are your thoughts on observing with fire work smoke filling the air.


I won't dare take any optics out if there's smoke in the air. I would rather do without than have the problem of cleaning my lenses and corrector plates. Mars might get smaller in the sky, but the stars will still be there next time I go out; whenever that may be.Β 

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