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Skywatcher 250px or 200px

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I know you've seen these questions a lot (unless your new) but I'm struggling a lot on if I should buy a Skywatcher 250px (10") or 200px (8") (dobsonians). I have a 5 inch and i'm looking for a big step up for noticeable changes. 

Thank you 


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Both will give you a noticeable step up in performance on deep sky objects, less so on the planets.

The 250 is F/4.7 wheras the 200 is F/5.9 so the latter is a bit easier on lower cost eyepieces than the former and a little less fussy over collimation.

If the deep sky is a big priority for you then I would definitely go for the 250PX.

I've owned them both and liked them both though :smiley:



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Hello. All things being equal then bigger is better. It has more light gathering ability. Which is always better on the fainter DSO. But bigger also can be more problematic in lifting , travelling, setting up in general. I have a 14" and a 8" and finding lately I am using the smaller scope more due to the practicality of the scope. The best scope is the one you will use. So if you have no problems with handling the 10" then go with that, otherwise the 8" is a great all round aperture for most.

Hope this helps 



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I was going to purchase an 8" Orion dob, and Wolfi at TS helpfully pointed out the SW250px for about the same money.

I'm so glad that I went for the extra aperture - I wanted a versatile all rounder, with good capability for DSOs.  It showed me loads!!

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I’ve a 250px, it’s pretty portable and I’m very happy with it.  It works for imaging too depending on mount. I had a 300 but it never got used as was just a bit on the big side for carrying in and out of the front door. 

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8 hours ago, tooth_dr said:

I’ve a 250px, it’s pretty portable and I’m very happy with it.  It works for imaging too depending on mount. I had a 300 but it never got used as was just a bit on the big side for carrying in and out of the front door. 

How heavy is it to carry?

Edited by Spacecake2
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On the deep sky the difference between 8 and 10 inches is very significant. This was the first jump I made as a beginner. Visually it's worth it. As for handling them both, that's very much up to the person and the circumstances but I'd go for the 10 myself.


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1 minute ago, ollypenrice said:

On the deep sky the difference between 8 and 10 inches is very significant. This was the first jump I made as a beginner. Visually it's worth it. As for handling them both, that's very much up to the person and the circumstances but I'd go for the 10 myself.


How much is light pollution going to affect my view with the 10"? (bortle 6.8)

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  • 1 month later...

I have the 250PX on order. Recognise that this one is less forgiving of lower cost eyepieces. Could anyone offer advice on a good step up eyepieces ? I have the Explore Scientific 6.7mm wide field (82Deg) eyepiece on order - any thoughts on this combination?

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