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Wow! That is an amazing amount of smilies!!!


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Hi all,

I thought I'd join up after having been reading the forum for a while now. You lot are a mine of information :shock: . I've been particularly enjoying the reviews section. I've just got ordered a new scope Skyliner 250px dob and am really looking forward to getting out with it.

I have an Skywatcher 130pm which I have enjoyed for a year. Plenty of firsts with it. The usual unsual things for someone first seeing a bigger sky. Saturn, jupiter (caught 2 bands! Cool) ,andromeda fuzzy, and the orion nebula to name a few. Dabbled in webcaming and a bit of photography but my EQ2 mount wasn't really up to the task. Saying that the moon was great through the web cam even managed a bit of saturn.

I love the observing guides which are great for us learners. I'm catching on that you get more out of your sessions when your prepared.

Well Thanks for the info so far and hopefully I'll be able to get to know a few of you better.

Brian :wave:

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I'm glad to have joined you all.

Astro baby I loved the treaty on the business of business on the skywatcher vs Oroion Optics Thread. I laugh and was shocked at the same time. It was great to see the anticipation build about the results. :)

Terry, You'll enjoy the 130pm. It took me a while to get to grips with polar alignment but that is good practice. I did manage to get it pretty well a few times, but most of the time a few adjustments were necessary. I got me a set of zhummell eyepieces which were better than at least the 10mm that came with it. I've been looking at making some straps to go round the rings so I wouldn't loose my balance point when turning the focuser round. Oh and the webcam worked well if you fancy it. Just had to use the barlow to get focus.

Thanks for the welcomes all.


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