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Pentax XW 7mm or 5mm


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Hi all 

After an extremely long lay off from stargazing I'm soon  planning on getting a new setup which will be purely visual.

I'm planning on getting a Skywatcher 300p Dob .

I ,wisely , kept my eyepieces , which consist of Pentax XW30 , 20 and 10mm and I'm looking to add one more , either the 7mm or the 5mm . 

Can't decide between the two ....... any suggestions greatly appreciated 




Edited by vlebo
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At 1500 mm, the XW 5 mm will give 300x magnification, which can certainly be useful in a 12" instrument, although sky quality must be good (under good conditions I frequently use 290x using the XW 7 in my C8 (2030 mm focal length)). The 7mm will give 214x which will probably see more use, and is a gentler step up from 150x with the XW 10. However, ultimately, I would advise getting both (you know you want to ;) ), as they are both very useful EPs..

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The 7mm will see more use although my my 12 inch F/5.3 I find 6mm the "goldilocks" high power much of the time. I do use the 5mm XW quite often to tease out the finer lunar details though.

I hesitate to say "get both" though because it's so easy to spend other peoples money ! :rolleyes2:

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Thinking long term when the planets rise much higher in your northern skies in a few years, I think you will be glad to have both.

Down here in Oz the planets are almost directly overhead and although I don't have any Pentax EP's, I have a Vixen SLV 4mm and SW 4mm and 5mm Planetaries and they are the ones I find I use the most on the major planets when seeing is good with my SW 12 inch F4.9 Dob.

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I've got the 7mm XW and 5.2mm XL in an 8" Dob and tend to use the 5.2mm more.  However, given your longer focal length, the 7mm would probably make more sense.  You could get a 5mm BST Starguider  as temporary stop-gap to see if you need that focal length as well later on.

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I think it’s gonna be the 7mm for now ! I’ll use it for a while and see how it goes with thoughts of getting the 5mm at a later date ! Thank you so much for all your feedback 


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Hi Chris, I agree with John above, get the 7mm, it will give you just over 200x which is perfect for planets and the Moon (and what more would you want besides this as the seeing will not always be perfect!)

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