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ADC- essential for planetary?


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My current thinking is 

Equinox 120

Baader Prism diagonal

T2 quick changer female

Baader quick change wedge

Prism unit minus nosepiece 

1.25" eyepiece holder

2x Barlow element screwed into 9mm Delite for 150x  and 7mm for 192x or 6-3mm zoom (if I want to go mad) for 225-450x

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1 hour ago, Moonshane said:

My current thinking is 

Equinox 120

Baader Prism diagonal

T2 quick changer female

Baader quick change wedge

Prism unit minus nosepiece 

1.25" eyepiece holder

2x Barlow element screwed into 9mm Delite for 150x  and 7mm for 192x or 6-3mm zoom (if I want to go mad) for 225-450x

You want the barlow ahead of the ADC rather than on the EP. 

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1 hour ago, johninderby said:

The 2” nosepiece may be a good idea. 😁


Fitting a 2" nosepiece, as I have done with my ZWO ADC, will reduce the light path (i.e. the amount on in travel required) by about 10 - 12 mm, useful for Newtonian Reflectors where limited in travel on the focuser is available.


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4 hours ago, astro_al said:

Edit: I also saw on the FLO website that the recommendation for the ZWO unit is to get the ADC as close to the eyepiece as possible, which I wouldn't be able to do with a binoviewer. Eye placement when using binoviewers is also key for me. If I am not dead on it is easy to introduce unwanted colour so I may be chasing that with an ADC also.

Well that is something I intend to try. I think that the main issue with the correct sequence is to get a barlow in front and extend focal ratio, not sure whether having binos in the back would somehow spoil the functioning of the ADC. I initially thought it would, but then found quite a few reports of people using binos with ADC with success.

Have to wait for the skies to clear to try the effect.

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There are so many different permutations I think there will be a lot of trial and error going on here. I have a few ideas of my own but when you start adding binos and barlows etc it starts to get complicated. 

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Hey guys,

FYI, Pierro Astro sells an adaptator for a Barlow cell that is supposed to help with the placement of the Barlow in the optical chain when using an ADC. To be honest, I haven't understood all the ins and outs but I thought this might be of interest to some of you.



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Set it up a tonight and tried it on Jupiter, sort of. Seeing was so bad Jupiter looked like it was under running water. I think it did help to bring out more detail despite te awful seeing. Seemed to help on Saturn as well. With the bad seeing hard to be sure how much it helped though. 🤔

Hopefully seeing will be better over the next few nights and will get the chance to try it out properly. 🙏🏼

Edited by johninderby
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I knew I'd regret following this thread😅 I smell more expenses going towards astronomy gear...

But on a different note, I'd always believed these ADC's would only really benefit planetary imagers but apparently I was wrong;)

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17 hours ago, bomberbaz said:

There are so many different permutations I think there will be a lot of trial and error going on here. I have a few ideas of my own but when you start adding binos and barlows etc it starts to get complicated. 


17 hours ago, Raph-in-the-sky said:

Hey guys,

FYI, Pierro Astro sells an adaptator for a Barlow cell that is supposed to help with the placement of the Barlow in the optical chain when using an ADC. To be honest, I haven't understood all the ins and outs but I thought this might be of interest to some of you.



I learned from the vendor of my ADC, that in general you want to put the barlow on front of any dispersive part of equipment of the back of the optical train.

That is why I tried to put my Baradv in front of the ADC/diagonal/eyepiece (or bino+eyepiece), but this combination gives to much magnification, because the field stop of the eyepiece is to far away from the barlow. I may try a mirror diagonal/Baradv/ADC/eyepiece or bino+eyepiece combination and just compare it with the isutation without barlow. I am not even sure if the combo without barlow can improve. The main effect (seeing) is most likely still due to the low position of the planets.

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Yes because the more parallel the rays are the less you have to compensate with ADC and bring in aberrations. It's a trade-off.

Has anyone tried using it visually on the Moon? Any results? I guess one would have to adjust it on a bright stare of comparable altitude...

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Observing Jupiter last night with my TAK 100 it was not atmospheric dispersion that I had to contend with but a very unstable atmosphere generally. It was like observing the planet through a stream of running water, even low power was poor.

I don't suppose an ADC would have helped with that ?

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I was mulling this over last night and thinking about multiplication of any lens placed in front of a binoviewer and that it is circa double the stated power of the lens arrangement being used. 

So am I correct that for a 1.6 barlow lens attached directly to the BV, this will give me x3.2.   For a 2x barlow I get x4 and finally if I use my 2x tele extender we still have x2.  

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