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Doesn't get much better than this ......


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What a night !!!!!

Two scopes cooled and ready plus 11x70 binoculars.

Fabulous naked eye comet complete with long tail.

Galaxies, nebulae and clusters showing wonderfully overhead.

Jupiter with the Great Red Spot bang in the centre of the disk with a lovely arrangement of it's moons and background stars to compliment it.

Just waiting for Saturn to round off the sort of session that has not occurred for a long, long time.

Simply glorious :grin:

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Well I got Saturn with the Cassini Division, equatorial cloud belts and 4 moons showing rather well.

But there was more. The Moon and Mars are now visible and tempting. A quick view of the Moon, for completeness sake, then onto Mars. Nice detail showing. Dark features plus a prominent south polar cap.

Finally back to Comet Neowise. Best view of the night of that was with the ED120 refractor and the 40mm Aero ED eyepiece. A 3 degree true field which framed the comet and it's subtly curving tail magnificently. Almost felt that I could see the outgassing billowing away from the nucleus and streaming away.

Probably won't get many nights like this so making the most of it :thumbright:

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It is a good night out there. I went out with a C8 and concentrated on Jupiter and then Saturn.

Not good seeing due to local roof/road heat but saw GRS on Jupiter, and faint banding on Saturn along with variation in brightness of the rings (no Cassini division).

I've finally got used to using an atmospheric dispersion corrector. It noticeably cleaned up Jupiter but didn't make so much difference to Saturn.

I was concentrating hard on Saturn when the local street lights switched off. The detail and contrast jumped up immediately, and a whole additional layer of stars appeared!

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Amazing night indeed 😄 My first comet! And it’s beautiful and strange. Really a wow moment. Earlier around 11 I think i split Antares 😳 it actually looked like a normal star it was so tight. Jupiter was stunning- I’ve been trying out my ADC (used on Antares too) and it brought out so much detail on Jupiter- etched details in the bands and around GRS though the seeing helped. I stood there at one point not quite believing every which way I looked there was something amazing to see! Fab :) More than made up for the weeks of foul weather we’ve had! And yes those clouds!!



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Great stuff folks, real good to hear you all had such an enjoyable night's viewing.

I draged myself out of bed at 2.30am and got my 1st views of Mars, as John mentioned the southern polar cap stood out wonderfully, a real contrast in colour with the red planet! I spent about an hour looking at a few bits before it got light 😕

No joy with the comet as my NE is very obscured. What height is it at roughly, I might go for an early morning walk to see if I can get a glimpse!




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36 minutes ago, Barry-W-Fenner said:

Great stuff folks, real good to hear you all had such an enjoyable night's viewing.

I draged myself out of bed at 2.30am and got my 1st views of Mars, as John mentioned the southern polar cap stood out wonderfully, a real contrast in colour with the red planet! I spent about an hour looking at a few bits before it got light 😕

No joy with the comet as my NE is very obscured. What height is it at roughly, I might go for an early morning walk to see if I can get a glimpse!




Hi Baz, it wasn’t very high but clearing the roof tops for me at 3. when I first saw it at 1:30 it was through a gap between houses. Find Capella then diagonally down to the left the next bright star about 45deg down, then a bit further than same distance down again and there it was- quite faint naked eye here but when I knew where to look, easy to spot and it got much more obvious by 3 . But i’m further south in London. Forecast here is for another fine session tonight- hope you get it too




Oh and I had an epiphany last night too haha- Id wondered why Mars has looked so strange and elongated blaming it on atmospheric distortion but of course it has a phase and is not fully lit- doh 🙄😂 It looked splendid last night too- no obvious dark markings but very crisp polar cap and a feeling much more of an atmosphere shrouded planet than the red fuz Id seen before- it’s sharpening up and i’m excited 😃

Edited by markse68
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It did look to be a good night, but the neighbours were partying last night and just a bit too much localised light-spill made it tough for me. Probably the best view I've had of Jupiter and the moons however. Saw the veil too and had a hunt around Cygnus but I missed the comet. It's been a long couple of weeks of heavy cloud so just good to get back out. 

Edited by Stardaze
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  • 11 months later...

After reading a post of you flaunting (😉) the noctilucent cloud , I've decided to search it . My roadmap was using July 11 as the date as you've mentioned it yesterday . I very much like to compare what I was doing a year before on the same day !!


A good nova probably won't substitute the comet but it is still putting off a good show . 

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20 minutes ago, Voyager 3 said:

After reading a post of you flaunting (😉) the noctilucent cloud , I've decided to search it . My roadmap was using July 11 as the date as you've mentioned it yesterday . I very much like to compare what I was doing a year before on the same day !!


A good nova probably won't substitute the comet but it is still putting off a good show . 

Re-reading my posts earlier in this thread, I recall now just how good that night, a year ago, actually was. By the time I turned in, dawn was starting to break, the eastern sky had brightened and the stars and comet were beginning to fade.

Nice looking back to that "Neowise" period though :icon_biggrin:


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