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NGC7822 and Little Rosette Nebulae


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Having a good run of clear nights lately, and I am having a ball with this excellent Samyang lens and getting images I have done before but with a wider FOV.

Taken over the last couple of nights (whilst chatting on Anybody Playing Tonight thread).
Ha 21 x 600
Oiii 4 x 450secs binned + 7 x 300secs binned
Sii 10 x 300 secs binned + 4 x 450secs binned
RGB 5 x 150 each (for stars)
Samyang 135mm F2 Stopped down to F2.8
Atik460EX and Baader filters
on HEQ5

Little Rosette at bottom of image

Total Imaging time 6 hours 32.5 minutes



Edited by carastro
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Superb  image Carole.  Looked at that recently and didn't realise there was so much in it.  Lovely!  I thought it looked a bit like a question mark 😁

Edited by Gina
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That's a cracking image Carole. The more I see of your images the more I'm getting to like NB. I only have a 6nm Ha filter, but I do have a spare filter wheel for my QSI-5, so you're making me think that I should fill that with L-Ha-OIII-SII and what else? It would mean swapping wheels between LRGB and NB, but cheaper than a whole new camera with 8 position FW.

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Thanks every-one, I think I spent more time on the processing than the capture!!!!

Some very nice comments above.   


That is stunning! The colors are to die for and to think that's taken from your London location makes it even more remarkable. Great image.

Thanks for that John.  


I am beginning to doubt you are in a Bortle 8 area, or everybody must turn their lights out for your imaging sessions 🙂 

If you saw my attempts at Broadband you would believe it.  


so you're making me think that I should fill that with L-Ha-OIII-SII and what else? It would mean swapping wheels between LRGB and NB, but cheaper than a whole new camera with 8 position FW.

Narrowband opens up a whole new universe, yes do it.


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I am beginning to doubt you are in a Bortle 8 area, or everybody must turn their lights out for your imaging

Actually one neighbour annoyingly had a bedroom light on all night and roughly in the direction my scope was pointing, but I find narrowband can cut through stuff like that.  

I recall once I was at Kelling Heath and was imaging M16 in narrowband (low) and some moron came after dark and was driving around all the pitches with his headlights on looking for his pitch number, and as it happened he was opposite me and Michael Morrison.  He got a right mouthful when he arrived.   I thought my subs would be ruined since his headlights must have been shining almost down my scope - so was very surprised when  I checked the subs the following day and found they were unaffected.  That's the value of narrowband, it only seems to pass a particular waveband.


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