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Essential reading for those who are thinking about getting into Astronomy !

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I've just started reading "A Short History Of Everything" by Bill Bryson. Its by no means essential reading but it makes learning the basics of the universe fun.

An excellent book, i've read it twice now, I'm about due a third read!

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A very good find that John (Jahmanson)!

Yes, it would be an idea to point ALL newcomers to this guide, as the most common question from them seems to be "which telescope should I buy?"

We have all been there haven't we! We can see that the night sky looks very interesting - even with the naked eye, so the very next thing we want to do is rush out and buy the biggest and most sophisticated scope we can afford, giving no consideration to any other aspect of the hobby (i.e. will the scope be easy to use, portable, or even suitable for me in particular!).

The final result can mean spending a huge amount of money on an instrumant which is hardly ever used, and ends up on e-bay!

So to repeat - the guide you found is excellent John.




Thanks for that, very interesting

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Thanks John after reading and trailing internet for four weeks because I wasn't shore witch scope to go for and no clubs on my doorstep to ask for help .after reading thread Now I no what to do upgrade my old measly 7 x 40 binoculars for some new ones

cheers again:headbang:

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Excellent read. I think I may print this and keep it handy whenever I am out under the sky as a reminder. I have recently taken out a few books and delved into them with quite a new found interest. My only concern is that I did buy the ETX-125PE but only after a bit of research. I wonder if it still could have been a hasty move.

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I wonder if it still could have been a hasty move.

I can empathise there meloncap! With such a huge range to choose from, it was always going to be a difficult choice :) But now that you've made it, I wouldn't waste time worrying, just enjoy observing for now :).

(Spend more time contemplating when/if you upgrade to a bigger/better 'scope!)

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That's a superb read. Even though the scope cane along we still have binoculars to learning the sky with. That will help identify objects and our way around the sky's as we get more competent with our equipment.

As a yacht master I'm used to charts so I like the analagy. Sailor of the sky :glasses1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great read and very reassuring. Due to financial constraints I have been prevented from rushing off and buying a scope which has worked out for the best. I get out there with my Bino's and its amazing how much you can spot and how satisfying it is.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for pointing out another fine resource. It hasn't changed my mind (formed by the advice of SGL contributors), but as ever, it's nice to see the advice confirmed and expectations limited to within reason.


Edited by russ.will
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I've recently come across this piece on the web written by Alan MacRobert from the well known and respected astronomy magazine Sky & Telescope. It is well worth a read if you are thinking of getting into the hobby - ideally before you leap in and buy a telescope :) :


This is a real gem of an article. I have followed this to the letter. I am now at no 6 and determined not to jump to no 7 until I know what I want out of a scope.

Edited by ismangil
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