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Was hoping for some Lyrids

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But didn't get any :(

Took the family out and we watched Skylink go over... endlessly...  what a travesty to the night sky! 

Prior to last night, there was no dew at all. So last night took a risk of removing the dew shield, this enabled me to open the camera right up and increase the FOV by about 50-60%. Set the camera up 2 minutes, ISO 400... and off it went. 

Well, the dew rolled in at 00:30, damn it lol there was so much more moisture around last night, which clearly shows in the gradient in the image.

Got one frame with a meteor (lot Lyrid) and a satellite, and another startrail shot! There is always tonight. 

Hope others had more luck! 



_MG_1175 SatandMet_sml.jpg

Startrails 22-04-2020_sml.jpg

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nope ....  pretty much the same.  Had two cameras pointed away from the radiant, blatting away for about 4 hours.....

Looking at the individual frames, I got about 3.


Small bright trace at positional '10oclock' is the most obvious one to make it onto the composite image, but think this was a sporadic.   

I'll try again tonight.



Edited by Craney
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Was a bit of a dampener. I saw about 6 or 7, but only caught one (right hand side of pic). I am thinking just getting one in any frame was a good result 🙂  Loving the star trails!

I did have what looked like a good frame with a really bright one, but turned out to be an iridium satellite as it was in 4 of the 13 second frames before as a faint line! Fingers crossed for the next one!


Edited by Bagginsies
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Took a few hundred pic's for the second night running, none the first night, haven't looked at last nights yet but only saw a couple visually and not where the camera was pointing 😁


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From my 900 frame  .....< !!!cough..ahem>   saturation bombing  of the North Celestial Polar region, I got one decent meteor.

.... and it appears to be a Sporadic.    The  Lyrid radiant would be middle -top--right in this photo.



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I'm happy with any I get. I've done all nighters with my Canon taking 2000 images to get nothing.

But I tell myself I could have got an incredible fireball, or representatives from the Klingon Empire trying to track me down.

Last night I got 2 meteors out of a dozen I saw, both Lyrids and sporadic. 

Ten sec exp, ISO 1600 with a Canon SL1, 18mm.


_MG_1338- 3planets and meteor.JPG


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Should I be increasing the ISO to say 1600, and dropping the exposure to 30s.

That would be about 900 frames, I did wonder if the exposures were too long for meteor work.

Looks like some of you guys got lucky :)


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I got a couple (perhaps) on the meteor cam over like 4 hours - and I think nothing on the dslr runs.  I saw nothing visually either - meteors social distancing from Earth too???

Nice star trails though Ant!



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