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New ZWO ASIStudio


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HI, has anyone using a ZWO camera tried this out for EAA yet, ZWO ASI Studio software, it looks a lot less complicated than some of the other software out there, sources at ZWO state that further features will be added to it as and when.

Regards eric

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i have just downloaded and installed this onto my astro laptop. Will have a play next time i get chance. The interface certainly looks very simplistic and less cluttered than something like Sharpcap, not sure if this will affect just how good or bad it is in comparison, but im up for having a play with it.

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I love my Atik Horizon and its Atik Infinity EAA software. So when I bought an ASI244mc for planetary/lunar, it was with some trepidation. It's early days, but I like ASIStudio and ASILive.

By contrast, Sharpcap drove me nuts because of problems with Atik Drivers and  histogram that seemed to have a mind of its own and zero stretch. The issue was Atik offers three simple gain presets that Sharpcap wouldn't recognise (think its been fixed now). I was delighted to see a similar "auto" setting in ASILive. Having a shorter learning curve is welcome. New owners can always embrace greater sophistication later. Key thing, get going fast, and I think ASILive is decent. 

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OK< After 5 mins of playing with it, I can say.....drum roll !!!! 😛 

Its easy to use and fun too. And best of all. its free :)  I will be using this quite a lot. 

Thanks for highlighting it.

I'm currently imaging NGC 6503. 

Here's a 600s sub from SGPro using the Atik 4120ex on C11. The second one is the ZWOASI183MM Pro on a much shorter scope...TS65EQ,. Satcking many 60s,  first wide, then zoomed in using mouse :)



The TS 65EQ at full screen...14 stacked, a total of 900s



Zoomed in 120%



As I said, its fun. I do like it :)



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Had a try of the asilive software the other night, i decided to try a more difficult target with the sky at this time of the year not being dark from my backyard (bortle 6), NGC 7380 Wizard Neb, 30 sec exp x 120 on a Alt/Az mount, I did crop a little and minimal stretch  applied but nothing else as , it looks very promising

I apologise for the target not being centered.

and with the expected additional improvements as noted by ZWO will maybe turn out a great software for EAA.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok so I am still at the beginning of my learning on this aspect of astronomy, only bought my ASI 224mc a month since. Watched lots of vids, read loads on here and other places and slowly getting to grips with practice. 

However there are rather less tools on the ASI software compared to sharpcap. Are you guys using it simply using roughly the same exposure/gain/gamma/balance as when using sharpcap or having to find all new settings?

BTW my scope is a TS optics 80mm/330 frac with a 1.6 barlow to achieve focus. F6.6 equivalent.

Cheers, steve

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Hi Steve,, I find there is slight differences  going between many of the software I  use,,  it's just practice,, don't let folk kid you on it's not all plain sailing,, there are some nights  I use  zwo, byeos, sharpcap,, sometimes the basic of Software will do the job.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm an absolute novice and only recently got my camera (224MC).  I've been having a little play with it though on the one clear night i've had so far.  Got some images of the ring nebula but a bit lost with something, if i open the images with the ASI Fits viewer they are nice and bright but when i open them with a program like Autostakkert or Registax, all my images are extremely dark and hard to see any detail at all.  Can anyone shed some light on this? 

Other than that the programs seem pretty easy to get to grips with (so far) for a complete novice 

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23 hours ago, jindivik said:

I'm an absolute novice and only recently got my camera (224MC).  I've been having a little play with it though on the one clear night i've had so far.  Got some images of the ring nebula but a bit lost with something, if i open the images with the ASI Fits viewer they are nice and bright but when i open them with a program like Autostakkert or Registax, all my images are extremely dark and hard to see any detail at all.  Can anyone shed some light on this? 

Other than that the programs seem pretty easy to get to grips with (so far) for a complete novice 

Jindivik you will find  that this game is a very steep learning curve, the reason your images are very dark is probably you haven't stretched them yet, how many images have you taken? try using something like Gimp which is free and you can stretch them in that. I have ASI Studio but I haven't used it for imaging yet as I use the ASIAIR for imaging then PixInsight for processing these and that is also a very steep curve, so as a relatively newbie myself read about stretching images there's plenty on line for you to learn from.

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TCF, Thank you! This has at least given me something to work with.  I "Stretched" the images in the Asi Fits viewer which made them much brighter to stack.  I then stacked in Registax, i don't have any dark, bias, etc files so this is just 20x 20sec exposures.  It is by no means even a good standard but as my first ever deep sky image i'm very happy to even come out with something at least a little recognisable.  As you say, the learning curve is absolutely huge (and a little frustrating) haha

Ring Nebula.jpg

Edited by jindivik
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You might try doing your stacking on the original images that look very dark and then display the result with stretch, perhaps in ASI studio, or one of many other programs. The process of stretching is somewhat distorting your data to make a pleasing image for you to view on your display. The (mathematical) process of stacking is better done on the original data, even if your display doesn’t show you a lot until the final result is stretched!

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17 hours ago, jindivik said:

TCF, Thank you! This has at least given me something to work with.  I "Stretched" the images in the Asi Fits viewer which made them much brighter to stack.  I then stacked in Registax, i don't have any dark, bias, etc files so this is just 20x 20sec exposures.  It is by no means even a good standard but as my first ever deep sky image i'm very happy to even come out with something at least a little recognisable.  As you say, the learning curve is absolutely huge (and a little frustrating) haha

Ring Nebula.jpg

No problem as I said for beginners its a steep learning curve, you will get lots of help on here its just a case of asking. Another good piece of software is PixInsight but pricey so have a good look around and see what is there or more importantly what you can afford, its an expensive hobby too. Tam

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